Now things were really confusing. "A...fix?"

Hikaru's mind slowed to a crawl as Nicole then opened her coat slowly, revealing her pink bra and panties underneath it. Panic doused over his body like a bucket full of cold water and to make matters even worse when he looked up, he saw Aija's surprised face as she walked a bit forward towards his condo, holding Prada.

"Oh, Kami..." He breathed out, wondering how the hell he got into this situation.

Nicole smiled putting her hands on her bare hips, brown eyes shimmering gleefully as if she had accomplished something. "Well? Are you going to let me in?"

Fix this! His mind yelled, finally starting to work again. He glanced at Aija who was standing quietly; waiting to see what he did next. Her face showed her anxiety and aggravation. He looked down at Nicole then and said in a no-nonsense voice that he was used to, "Actually no, I'm not going to let you in. I have a prior engagement."

It was now Nicole's turn to be stunned. "What do you mean prior engagement?"

Hikaru shook his head; he remembered how dunce she could be sometimes. "I mean I had other plans with somebody else. Now cover yourself before someone sees you."

Realizing that he was indeed serious and he wasn't letting her in, Nicole quickly covered and tied her coat back up. "Plans? With who?" She asked, her voice almost cracking with emotion.

"Uh...that would be me." A determined voice called out.

Nicole turned to see Aija walking towards her and Hikaru with her dog in the crook of one arm. She had finally seen enough and decided she wasn't going to let some woman ruin her plans. Before she could go into Hikaru's house, however, she felt a hand on her wrist.

"Whoa, wait a minute! Who are you?!" Nicole asked in surprise. Her hand reached out to grab Aija's wrist.

Hikaru felt like he couldn't take any more shock. Before he could stop Nicole from doing more damage to his planned evening, Aija somehow maneuvered Prada over to him with a determined flash in her eyes. He kneeled to release the dog into the condo and stood again to watch as Aija turned and faced Nicole. Her smile was sweet but her voice was low and absolute.

"Honey...I'm going to say this as pleasantly and as ladylike as possible. If you don't get your hand off of me, I'm going to beat you back to the street corner you obviously came from."

Getting the feeling that Aija didn't make idle threats, the woman released her wrist and Aija promptly walked into the condo. Hikaru let her through and then looked at Nicole who was shaking her head, "I don't understand. I thought that we..."

"You thought that we what?" Hikaru asked in confusion.

"I thought that we had something." The whispered reply came.

"Nicole," Hikaru's tone was stern. "I told you from the beginning. This was no strings attached. Nothing more, nothing less."

"No? But it seems you have time for her! I'm sure you've pumped her just as much as you did me!"

Hikaru chose to ignore that as accurate as that fact was and said, "She's different. I actually have feelings for her. You were just convenient. Now if you don't mind, I have something to do."

Nicole gasped and then with anger flashing in her eyes, she hissed out "You asshole!" before she quickly turned and stalked down the stairs. Hikaru didn't take any time shutting the door behind her.

Aija watched him and he glanced down at her before heading to the kitchen without saying a word. Aija's mouth fell open and then she closed it, looking back at the kitchen area.

Oxytocin (Medicinal Love Book One) FIRST DRAFT ONLYWhere stories live. Discover now