Part 24: Sure Feels Right

Comenzar desde el principio

"I could say something REALLY dirty about that," I smiled at her and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge then returned to my seat at the table.

She cut her eyes at me and shook her head. Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink and she smiled while she finished sprinkling cheese on her last layer of noodles and sauce. I loved seeing her trying to fight the fact that she was getting hot and bothered. She covered the pan in aluminum foil and bent down to slide the pan into the oven.

I swear, that girl can bend over and make me forget my name. Hmm. That could be a good song lyric. I jotted it down and picked up the acoustic six string next to me, giving it a quick strum.

"Is this going to bother you while you're working?" I motioned to the guitar as Ashten sat across from me, opening her laptop.

"Not at all. I'm just updating Tommy's tour rider. I need to get it finished and emailed to Tim Krieg."

I nodded and strummed a G chord. Tim was our tour manager and as soon as I got back from my book signings, Mötley was hitting the road for the second half of the Carnival of Sins tour. We were booked up from July until right before Christmas and would be traveling all over the US and Canada.

"Ready to go on the road with us?"I asked, grinning at her.

She shrugged. "I guess. Assuming Tommy is bringing me."

"He'll bring you. If not, you could always be one of our dancers."

"Nope," she smirked and shook her head.

"Why not? I'd be willing to bet you are a sexy dancer."

"And you would win that wager. But I've seen what your girls wear on stage. And I've seen how much Vince rubs up on them. Pass."

"So you HAVE seen us live?" I strummed another G.

"Twice," she confirmed, rubbing her lips together, her dimples showing.


Ashten hummed and furrowed her brow. "I saw the Dr. Feelgood tour in Savannah. We had to travel for that one because you guys never came to Charleston. Ever. Which, by the way, my brothers have never forgiven"

"Fair enough. Where else?"

"Red White and Crüe, here in LA. Tommy gave us some tickets when I was working for....." She trailed off, frowning and staring at her screen. Her eyebrows eventually shot up in disbelief. "No fucking way."


"Speaking of Tommy....have you seen this?"

Ashten's POV

I swirled my laptop around so Nikki could see the screen.

"Jesus Christ," he muttered and rolled his eyes. "No, but I'm not even remotely surprised."

I turned the screen back towards me and read the TMZ headline again:

Reunited? Tommy Lee spotted in Vegas with ex Pam Anderson.

The picture below showed the two of them cuddled up in a booth at some Vegas night club.

"You think its true?"

Nikki shrugged. "It's a tabloid so it could be complete bullshit. But, knowing Tommy, I wouldn't be shocked." I scoffed and rolled my eyes in disgust, to which Nikki smiled and nudged my foot with his under the table. "What's wrong? Not a fan of THE Pamela Anderson."

"Ugh,"I groaned. "She's annoying as fuck. For some reason Tommy felt the need to tell her that I went to med school and have an MD. AND he gave her my phone number. So, anytime Brandon or Dylan so much as hiccups she calls me. I guess she thinks I'm her own private pediatrician."

"You're a shrink," he laughed.

"Yeah, well. Tell her that. I mean, I can do it. I had to learn how to diagnose everything until I picked a specialty. And I can write prescriptions. But, damn, I'm not at her beck and call."

"Pam thinks everyone is at her beck and call. Always has." Nikki put his guitar down, shrugging. "Could work in our favor, though."

"How so?"

"Whenever Tommy gets involved with her he tends to focus just on her and block out everything and everyone else. If he is occupied with her then he is less likely to notice that you have become my girlfriend."

"Have I?" I leaned back in my chair and smirked at him. We hadn't really talked about that yet. I knew I wanted to be with him but he hadn't come out and said anything about being exclusive. Until now.

"Yep." He popped the P and gave me a goofy smile.

"Ok," I smiled at him and felt my cheeks flush as my heart fluttered into my stomach. I didn't realize making it official would feel so good, but it fucking did.

Still, there was another thing we hadn't yet discussed.  Probably because we had been in our own little bubble for the past week. And when Tommy came back the next night we would be back in the real world. The world in which Tommy was my boss and I was the employee blatantly defying him. "What are we going to do about Tommy?"

Nikki sucked in and eventually released a deep breath. "That's your call. I'll go along with whatever you want. And if you want to keep this a secret then we will."

"I don't WANT to keep it a secret," I began, chewing my lip. "But, this is so new. I think we should keep it private at least for a little while. Just to..."

"Just to make sure it sticks," Nikki finished, quietly. He swallowed and I think I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes.

"Maybe," I admitted. I didn't want to believe that I had doubts about him but I did. He didn't have the best relationship track record and I had a lot to lose. If Tommy found out about us I would lose my job and my home. And what if Nikki and I didn't make it? It would have all been for nothing.

"I get it," he nodded. "And you have every reason to be scared. But, I promise you we will not fail. And when you are ready, we can tell Tommy together."

"Deal." I let go of a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Ya know, sneaking around does kind of make all of this super hot," His eyes darkened as he stood up, his sexy smirk making another appearance.

"True," I smirked back and stood up, taking a glance at the kitchen timer. We had thirty minutes before dinner was ready. I pulled my shirt off and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face. "I'm taking a shower."

Nikki growled and followed me down the hallway. "Not without me, you're not."

Red Hot ~Nikki SixxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora