Chapter 3

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Paloma approached to her and she put an arm over Veronica's shoulder, making their heads in touch.

"Those, dear friend, are the most well-known and dangerous boys of all the city. If you dont know then it is because you always are at home, reading tan psychological books. You spend the most of your time in your own world, Vero."

"Ok, they are popular but also are stupid" commented Eva looking directly into the blue and small eyes of Veronica.

Eva couldn't believe what they did to her high school. Veronica was just listened.

"Yes, and also of handsome" said Paloma "I would make them parents ...

Eva crossed her arms in reproach. In the background they can heard the master asking who that boys were. Poor innocent, he did not know that nobody would give him a word. Just silence.

"Yes, the only thing that you need right now is thinking about kissing with some of them." Eva said, angry.

"And have sex with them." Paloma answered, just looking for Eva were more and more angry.

"¡Oh my god!" exclaimed Eva, furious. "How can you say that?"

Because I have a vagina, she thought. Paloma looked at the sky. The sun was beginning to appear in the middle of some small clouds.

"I wish they noticed me..." she said pretending to bother Eva, even though that shadow was still in her face.

Eva rolled her eyes.

- Thank God they have not done it. They are stupid people who do not bring anything good.

Veronica was still listening without saying a word while she was touching her hair, nervous. The young man's gaze had fanned something inside her. A hidden desire that she didn't know that existed.

This is a little one chapter, but the next one is bigger. Thanks again for reading.

Ig: itssarahmey

Fb: sarah mey libros

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