ESS Chapter 2: 1001 nights...minus 999.

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So, again, your support truly makes a difference, not only in my life but also in the lives of the people who are important to me. Thank you.

Of course, you wouldn't be joining for nothing, as you'd gain early access to the next story illustration (and its uncensored version, which is confirmed) and character sheets, work in progress images of said illustration and character sheets, the Spin-Off "Waifu Bites!" and its 10 bonus chapters (with one more already in the making), and more!

Now, onto the chapter!



"Mñom...mñom...sho weird...why am I sho tired...haa..."

Hmm...? Eh?


Why is it that you are now only coming this late?!

Huh? New anime season? Not just that, but a new season of that certain Undead Majesty anime?!

Wait...did they already get past that lizard documentary volume?

Yes?! It's already way beyond it?! Seriously?!

Man...I so wanted to watch everything that happened after that!!! The novels are so good!!!

Well, I guess now I know what my darling and I will start with in our next divine realm anime marathon!! being here at this hour means that you missed my tour through the food district with Bertia and Jules...

And guess what, the walk Gabby and I did through it in our date was not enough to cover the whole place, so you missed lots of different restaurants and stalls...

Like...a lot.

Haa...and I really tried my best to describe all that new isekai food for all of you, you know...?

It was so hard trying to come up with comparisons between some of Arte's ingredients and those that you could think of as their Earth counterparts. Let alone those I just didn't know how to classify!

Although, that was a nice problem to have, since I was literally trying new things! That's an isekai for ya! Heh.

Of course, we ended up eating a lot, so much that I'm thinking of skipping dinner altogether and going straight to my room...

Yep, that's it, I'm totally not skipping dinner because we just finished said tour like...five minutes ago. Mhm. I'm totally not completely and utterly full for the first time since I came here. Not at all. I swear...

And it is certainly not because I've been feeling more tired than usual when I shouldn't at all because of my draconic body...


Putting those things aside, it would've been nice if I had taken Ilya and Celesia with me, we visited many different places that had lots of amazing sweets and desserts, which I'm sure they would've loved.

But, you see, I want them to learn a bit more about everything before taking them to the outside world.

'Specially Celesia, since I don't want her to suddenly summon one of her coloring books and cast some spell that might ruin her fun or worse...cause an accident.

Still, seeing how my dear cutie is giving her all in her classes, I'm sure that she'll be able to control that very, very soon.

And that means that next time I'll be able to take my girls with me!!

Ahh, I so want my little princesses' first trip to the outside world to be as trouble-free and fun as possible!

After all, first experiences matter a lot! And I'll be damned if it's not a happy one for them! Hmph!

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora