Chapter 18: Illumbee village investigation start!! And a massage?

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"This place really looks like what you would expect from a village, huh..."

I murmur while doing a quick look around the place as we were walking. The beige dirt roads that created clouds of dust when the wind blows were there. There's also easy to build and easy to fix wooden and stone houses everywhere I look, some bigger and some smaller, but alas, they look almost the same. The little central plaza you can see down this main road has a simple fountain, and it seems that it also serves as a market for travelers. But not so much for the villagers since they share the products among themselves given their situation.

"'s surprising to hear you say that they do not fight amongst themselves for food and so on, Erevain."

I say to the black-haired woman walking a step behind me to the right and she nods. By my Goddess, she really adapted quickly to her role, even her way of walking is quite the proper one for a lady, closely tied with her is Gabrielle and then Luca, with Kris in last place. But you could say that is part of her charm as a warrior.

"I am glad to say they do not hold such thoughts, my lord. The villages that surround the Kyrie Kingdom are a source of pride for it since they show the essence with which the Kingdom was founded."

I glanced at Erevain intrigued.

"Hoh~~ pray tell me what it is."

"Family, my lord. The villages that surround the kingdom remind us of how it all began with a place just as this one, full of people that put others before themselves and thus, overcoming the great trials the Goddess put before them."

"Yes, I can see that they are the pride of the Kingdom since all their problems have already been resolved."

I say sarcastically. The redheaded woman behind Erevain does a pained expression after listening to me.

"Ouch, that was harsh, my lord."

Yes Kris, it sounded harsh, but I must keep the image and it wasn't a lie. If what Erevain says is true, then what the hell is the kingdom doing not taking care of the problem?

"Kris, it is the truth. My lord is showing his trust in us by not wasting his time in sugar coating."

Says the blonde woman at my other side, her curls bouncing lightly at the sides of her face with every step she takes.

"Gabrielle is right Kris, do not worry. My lord did not offend me, it is as he says."

I'm glad you take it that way Erevain, because I seriously didn't mean to offend you. Sorry anyways, even though you can't hear my monologue/narration. And Gabrielle, it sounds as if you are scolding Kris. She didn't do anything wrong; she was being considerate! That is a nice trait to have! Don't worry Kris!! I'm with you at least in my heart!


Luca at least try to say something! You look cute fidgeting and such, but I can feel you have something to say even though I'm not even looking at you directly!

Oh, I forgot to say that I left my helmet back home after Erevain said to me in a really polite manner that it made me look as nothing but a villain, and then I used my [Shapeshifting Touch] skill to hide my horns, change my eyes' appearance from draconic to human, as well as humanize my ears. I can't help the villagers if they start running away because of a Dragon Lord suddenly visiting.

"It is a matter to be proud of. That type of thinking was uncommon in the places I—"

"Umm...excuse me..."

Suddenly, a new voice interrupts me. Well, I knew she was approaching us, but it would have been weird for her if I suddenly stopped talking and turned around to look at her before she had the chance to talk.

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