Chapter 81: King Nothing and The Fallen Prince(ss)

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Ten minutes before a certain pair of letters were opened.

Mere moments after King Raphael decided to enter the mysterious room with only his advisor by his side.

A big group of people were surrounded by knights who wore adamantite armors and wielded swords that emanated an ominous but faint black aura.

And yet, no one was a bit intimidated by them.

Instead, they were being pitied by them.

Something that greatly confused them.

Furthermore, they even told them things like 'you should rethink your life choices, young man' and 'you should try and join another order, kid...', and so on, and so forth.

Thus, they did not notice the three women who had their eyes fixed on the opened door, nor they noticed when they smiled.



Here it comes!

That idiot king is going to open the letters when he gets there!!

Of course, I am focusing all my senses on him just so I can hear his reaction in real time!

Man, it was so hard trying to not laugh at him when I met him! I had so many things I wanted to tell him too!!

And all that confidence that was oozing out of him was incredibly funny!!

Hnnngh, that will only make his reaction even better!

"Fufufu~~, careful, dear. You're entering 'queen's mode'. If you don't calm down, it will show in your face. And you don't want that, right?"

Ah! Right, right! Thanks, Nerinne!

One thing though, not counting him, that ceremony was nice. Did you implement that, darling?

"Just in a way. I only told them the idea of sharing pain and happiness as one would share food and drink with their family. They then made the ritual of alliance based on that."

And yet that idiot couldn't care any less about any of that...seriously.

Also, I thought I would be able to dance a bit with Erevain and Gabrielle, but he went straight to the main attraction, huh. He really is too hasty, but oh well, that worked for us too.

"Indeed. I can't wait for that girl to read my letter...kukuku...she will be quite surprised...kukuku..."

Darling, now it is you who is entering another mode...

"Oh are right. You have quite contagious enthusiasm, dear~~."

I don't think that is the case but...anyways, we have a plan to follow!

First! I must clear Erevain's playing field! And that distractions allowed!

"Gabrielle, Erica, it is time."

So I say as a confident smile appears on my face before I start walking out of the crowd.

"My, I was eagerly waiting for those words, my dear Master."

"To be frank, I did not expect Master to use such a simple yet absurd method to start all of this, but it is fitting."

Of course, Gabrielle and Erica are but a step behind me, with the former being to my left and the latter to my right.

And as you can see, Erica was surprised when I told her the plan, but I am glad she understood why we let the King come here and open the fake sealing room.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now