Chapter 87: The one who is above Dragon Lords.

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A High Dragon Lord.

A being only known through the legends of my brethren.

Even I do not know who came up with such a concept, less to whom the credit goes to for starting the legends.

Perhaps it came to them in a fever dream a nightmare? Or could it be that it came from one of my kin who could see into the future?

In hindsight, that could very well be the case. After all, future-sight is something that some Dragon Lords do develop...but it could always be another reason.

Still, I do know that such concept is a simple one to arrive to.

After all, we Dragon Lords are considered as the beings above Dragons.

'Beasts' of the highest order.

Wielders of terrible power and strength.

Revered by the countless tribes of those who share similarities with us but are not of us...directly.

We who have left our more draconian forms and ascended to forms that resemble those of the other races.

Leaving behind the massive form of a...'beast' to become 'humanoid'...

Smaller, yes, but filled to the brim with power that could even shape the world to our desires.

Then it stands to reason the possibility of this being only another stop on a larger mountain to climb.

Maybe there is something...something greater that would only appear if one of us was able to reach that peak.

One that could take that next step. To ascend one more time.

How would that being look? Would they become something entirely different? Would they only change in terms of power but be indistinguishable from us?

Even then, the questions kept piling on and on.

How would that being appear? Could it be that it is not a peak that can be reached, but one that is simply born into? Or could it be a peak that everyone could reach?

How? How? How?

Legends upon legends kept surfacing among the lesser ones in their attempts to answer that...

But they were not alone...

Even among us...the first of our kind, we too started to wonder about that act upon it.

And so, it all reached the most logical conclusion that my brethren could think of.

That even I could think off.

Ascension...through strength and blood.

'The one who shall stand above us, must be stronger than all of us.'

That was the reasoning we all arrived too, one that I now scoff at.

But not one that I regret.

We fought between ourselves.

We killed between ourselves.

We spilt so much blood amongst ourselves that even the Goddess tried to speak with us, dissuade us from the path that we had taken.

'You have grown in an unpredictable way, a beautiful not waste that by killing your siblings...with your power you can be a force of good for the world...and...'

She was genuinely concerned about us. Even if her words are difficult for me to remember...

Sometimes there are words that were not there the last time I remembered them and some that should be there are not.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora