Chapter 53: Nobles and Merchants are weak to Maids.

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After planning what we were going to do at the ball, the conversation has moved to other matters like good stores for the materials Gabrielle and her team are going to get for us and so on.

"...with that said, in the spirit of avoiding any suspicions, I suggest that we return to the Cathedral until we hear back from Lady Argento before or after her interrogation of the suspects."

Yaay! That is a great idea, Julian! Please, take her with you already!!

She. Just. Keeps. Sticking. To me!!

"Non, non, non~~~. I am staying here, Julian. I want to see Auros in action! Yes~~."

No! Shoo! Shoo! Don't look at me with those eyes as if they had turned into stars!!

"B-but your Holiness, you have other responsibilities for the day..."

Just give up! Look at poor Julian trying to convince you!


Come on, show me that you are more of a responsible adult than a perv gal...

"...just move any important meetings to the afternoon and attend to the other ones in my stead, Julian. I trust you~~~."

...or not. I am an idiot for even having the slightest hope of it, aren't I?

"Fufufu~~, no, dear. That is just the way she is. Besides, Ludovica always works earnestly. Even after all this time. So, she deserves some free time from time to time. No pun intended. Still, is it really that bothersome for you, dear?", it's just's difficult to maintain my character with her...

"Fufufu~~~, I see. Then, just take it as a challenge. One where you will be fine even if you fail. After all, you have been showing parts of your true self to the maids slowly, so I think there is no problem. Besides, you do not want to admit it, but you do resemble each other in some ways."

Ugh...and you say I am the shrewd one.

"Fufu~~, what can I say? Learning has always been part of being in a relationship."

Ok, I'll tell her that she can stay...but please, no more...perfume.

I don't want her to go nuts in front of the maids.

Because I don't know what Gabrielle or Erevain would do if they see that.

Just look at Mika too, she looks as if she is going to explode at any moment and start scolding Ludovica.

"Oh my, that is true. Very well, dear."

So, you were planning to use it!




Let's get this over with.

"If you are capable of taking care of those matters in her stead then I do not mind her staying..."

"That's...yes I can do so since I have the authority..."

I am sorry, Julian...

Her Goddess wants to spoil please endure...

"Yes! I knew that Auros is the one destined to be my super best friend forever! Nee~~, nee~~, we totes have to be together!"

She says so while hugging me and rubbing her cheek against mine...

She also keeps adding more words to the 'friends' thing...

Am I actually in a gal plus nerd mango?

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