Chapter 92: Hello World! Here I am!

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Keh, I'm running once again, huh.

Running, running, and more running...that's what I've been doing ever since I can remember.

My parents and I would just go from place to place without looking back.

From small fishing villages in the outskirts of a certain island in the east, to the big cities of the mainland.

Never stopping.

Always moving.

Staying at the same place for a long time was always out of the question. really was a pain.

Hiding our faces, using fake names, not interacting much with others...all of it.

I never had any friends because of that too.


'...why would I bond with someone when I'm just going to leave like any other time? It's not worth it.'

That is what I thought at the time.

My parents...those two...keke...they always told me to at least try and make some, that I just needed to be careful. But then I would call them hypocrites because they did not make any friends either.

They'd always show me a worried expression when I answered with that...but they also stayed silent because it was the truth.

And now that I think about skills...

I couldn't create bonds with others, so I got skills to connect with others.

Keke...what good joke of the Goddess!


Anyways, I was still a dumb brat back then.

I didn't understand why we moved so much, let alone why we took all those risky routes and even crossed continents, all while refusing anyone who tried to help along the way.


Kekeke...of course, I got tired of that crap.

So I decided to be a little shit about it and started asking why all day long.

I would just ask again, and again, and again.

And every time I asked, they'd just give me that worried look, never an answer.

I got tired of that too.

So tired that I...stopped talking to them out of spite and if I did talk to them, I would only spew the worst kind of things at them.

So much venom would come out of that mouth of mine that I would gladly punch myself now.

Keh! Dad did that when I made Mom cry that one time.

And I deserved it alright...

But back then I got so angry that I simply escaped into the city we were living in for the time being.

I knew that we had to move again in a few days, and I did not care.

I did not care so much that I intentionally lost myself in that city.

Kekeke, I was so lost that I had to resort to steal to get food.

That is...until my Mom found me.

She was truly worried to say the least, so much so that it was clear that she had been crying for days...

...I really want to punch my past self...

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now