Chapter 29: Goodbye Illumbee village!

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"Are you sure this is what you want, Sylvie?"

"Yes mom, this is what I want to do."

I'm witnessing right now the typical isekai scene of a family seeing off their daughter. Sylvie's mom is holding her hands and her father has his hand on her shoulder, all while trying to hold back his tears.

Heh, even her little brothers are trying their best not to cry while hugging her legs.

The other villagers are here to see her off too. Some have already given her gifts like vegetables, dried meat and so on.

One of the hunters even gave her a hunting knife to go with the axe her father gave her a bit earlier.

This is all one heck of a check in my isekai things list too.

Still, Sylvie wanted to do this quickly, but everyone convinced her to take her time, including me.

She didn't want us to lose valuable daylight, but we could arrive instantly to our destination, so that was one reason to convince her to take her time.

The other one was...well...I couldn't say goodbye to my parents and sister so...yeah. You get what I'm trying to say.

In any case, I can feel myself smiling warmly at the scene.

Why wouldn't I? Considering everything that happened, this is a pretty good ending to our village of the beginning mini arc.

Oh? Someone interesting is approaching me while Sylvie is still occupied.

It's the old woman who laughed at me for no apparent reason and then gave me the Goddess' Blood gemstone.

"Every time some young'un leaves the village this happens. Some come back, some don't. That's as normal as life gets. And you, Miss Hero, are anything but normal."


This old lady sure doesn't beat around the bush.

Let alone the fact that she doesn't think of me as some sort of bishounen, like the other women in the village.

"Hoh~~ the same I could say of you, old lady."

I say so while glancing at her, she really isn't your typical old timer.

Nope, she looks quite strong for her age, even more than some of the adults here.

She even reminds me of Nana.

Again, love ya, Nana!

"Ah, so that blondie there told you about my light scuffle with one of the idiots that wanted our land. Heh."

She looks at Gabrielle and chuckles.

'Light', yeah, right!

Gabrielle's report said that you were covered in deep wounds and you still were able to blow that 'idiot' up with your magic.

"I may be too old, and my memory may be a bit faulty, but I don't think blondie mentioned anything about the stone in her little story she told all of us yesterday."

She gives me a suspicious look as she finishes saying that.

"Nothing good would come if the rest of the village or anyone else were to know what you found. Right now, you are the only one in this village that knows about it and it should stay like that."

I tell her that without any reservations and a serious expression.

To which she responds by locking eyes with me for a moment until she laughs and shrugs.

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