Chapter 71: Surprising a Goddess is bad for villains.

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Behind the door of the sealing chamber, various lines of magical power glowed strongly all over the walls. They were intricate and interconnected with one another, almost like veins that were carved into the stone.

And if they were veins, then the center of the sealing chamber's door was the heart, for that is where the core of the seal was. A core that was not only revitalized, but also was stronger than ever as it pulsated with incredible power.

Power that flowed throughout those 'veins' in the same direction.

A floating black sphere at the center of the room.

Such place had the appearance of a mausoleum, but that was not a place to let the dead rest, no.

It was a place that held an Emissary of the Evil God.

All the 'veins' convened at the floor beneath the floating black sphere, creating a pillar of light that covered the spere completely.

That pillar of light was a weak one before it was revitalized, so much so that it even had started to go on and off.

Something that disturbed the sleep of the being inside of the sphere.

It made his mind stir with memories of his last day awake.

He was Akramax, the Emissary of the Evil God that brought the gospel of hunger and sickness to the imperfect world ruled by a naïve Goddess.

Yes, that was what his God had made him see.

A world where a Goddess tries to be close to her people was imperfect, filthy, warped.

A God must stand above, a God should treat its creations as mere bugs with only one purpose in their lowly lives, worship.

A God should ignore their pleas and find pleasure in their disgrace.

A God should always show them that hopelessness is a bottomless pit by pushing them further and further into it.

And so, giving them longer lives, the blessing of magic, preemptively taking care of the petty reasons that could start wars and offering a helping hand at crucial moments.

Those were acts unbefitting of someone called a God.

Those...were true sins.

The people of Arte needed to know of true, horrifying struggle. They needed to suffer, to fear and be bathed in blood until they were either dead or devoid of hope.

But they did not give up when he and his fellow Emissaries tried to bring such unholy gospel to them.

When they tried to spread the absolute truth that their God had showed them, they resisted!

They fought back!

They rejected their true essence as simple cattle!

How dare they reject the wisdom of his God?!!

And if that was not enough, the naïve Goddess then fought his God as the Emissaries fell one by one to those Knights chosen by her.

Yes...she dared to raise her hand against someone that was clearly superior to her.

They who wanted to correct her mistakes.

They wanted to show her the true way.

She even dared to fight him in an unjustly and cowardly manner by taking away those who helped him stay in her rotten world.

As per that pathetic divine law, no outside gods may lay foot on another's territory.

Of course, his God had wisdom on his side and knew that he could go over and stay if he used his Emissaries to take root in that world.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant