Chapter 82: Teleporting Enemies. Siblings reunited. Part 1 of 2.

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"I see...of course she did. And while it is a shame about the Emissary, we can now confirm that the King of Storms is connected to the Goddess."

A smile crept up in the face of said Master as she received what should have been considered as shocking news.

Furthermore, she spoke as if victory was but a fact.

"Regardless, what she has done shall be undone by her death. And it is then that we shall obtain our boon. In the meantime, proceed with the other objective, Brynn."

But those were only words, for she knew in her heart that her path towards victory was finally obscured, uncertain.

That was the reason for her smile.

One that remained as she turned to look at her forces and found them ready.

Lesser Dragon Lords, Wyverns, Undead, Monsters and Lizardmen.

All of them were commanded by those Lesser Dragon Lords bathed in her power and that of her personal servant, which gave their scales the unique coloration of violet and white.

And while they kept the 'lesser' prefix and their horns remained smaller than those of their Master, they were still the closest to become full-fledged Dragon Lords, thus they held considerable power.

As such, no ordinary veteran would be able to best them, let alone a normal knight or soldier.

Then again, they were all kneeling before her, waiting in excitement.

After all, it was the first time in centuries that they had seen their Master be eager for battle.

And they did not have to wait too long, for Violet extended her hand as if waiting for something to be given to her and one of her commanders immediately presented her a barbed spear.

Her barbed spear.

One that seemingly looked like an old and dried wooden spear until she took it, and a violet aura began to emanate from it, scraping away at such appearance and revealing its true form.

A dark violet ominous form which had the shapes of many dragons carved onto its shaft.

Moreover, it looked ready to take the life of the one that would be its opponent.

Thus, with everything ready, she summoned a grimoire from her personal space, her library.

It was a grimoire that seemed elegant at first glance, for it had a mainly black body with fine metallic edges. But if one were to look closer at it, one would discover that the 'black' part was not truly a color, but a void and the metallic edges were but the teeth of said maw.

Moreover, space itself seemed to warp around it as it floated into position and opened itself for its Master.

Then, she put her hand on top of its pages and fed it her great magical power, bathing the area in a violet hue.

"Grimoire that knows no distance, [Spatiophagos]! Let me befall on my enemy in an instant! [Grand Teleportation]!"

With that, she and her army disappeared in a flash of violet light.


At the same time as such call between Master and Servant, Prince Licht was grateful to himself for leaving the venue when he did, as he watched everything unfold from a hidden room in the palace.

A room that he had found years ago by accident and no one else knew about.

Among the things he found inside of it, there was a chest that contained a map of the hidden side of the palace, a weapon, and a journal.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن