Chapter 9 - Dinner

Start from the beginning

He clears his throat and makes his way over to me, he gives me a red rose, and kisses my cheek, making his way to my ear with his lips

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He clears his throat and makes his way over to me, he gives me a red rose, and kisses my cheek, making his way to my ear with his lips.

"You look beautiful" he whispers and I shiver, with the way his husky voice sounds so sexy, and the sparks all along the trail he made to my cheek.

The slightest contact ignites the sparks.

"T-thank you" I say slightly stuttering because I'm a nervous wreck and because he lights a fire within my body which I never knew existed.

With the way his looking at me right now, I could just melt with all the heat I'm feeling, his eyes darken for a second, but before I can even comprehend what that was its gone.

"Come on love let's get going" he says clearing his throat still standing and looking intensively at me.

"Save all the eye fucking for later and get some dinner fools" Maleeyah says laughing her ass off.

Shit I forgot she was still here. Keagan immediately takes my hand leading me out the door while showing Maleeyah the finger, and like usual lately I'm red as a tomato hiding my cheeks.

I follow him on the path into the forests and I see that we headed to the lake, I wonder where Mr Wolf is, its like he knows exactly when and when not to show up.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I walk straight into Keagan's back, ooof. .

I look up "I'm sorry, wasn't looking where I was going" I say softly he just laughs and kisses my cheek.

I see that we've made it and we make our way close to the lakeside closer to the forests where I see a boardwalk which has a blanket at the end with a few pillows and a small table with foods covering it.

A small boat right next to it in the lake. Its so beautiful! And the sun will be setting soon its going to be perfect!

 Its so beautiful! And the sun will be setting soon its going to be perfect!

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"Do you like it?" he nervously asks. "I never done this sort of thing before so I didn't really know what to do, but I hope you like it" he says.

"It's beautiful" I tell him sincerely.

"It's perfect Keagan, I love it stop worrying" I say smiling.

He beams at this and immediately motions for me to sit. I immediately comply and sit.

The sun starts setting and I gasp, it's wonderful! The veiw is perfect! "It's so beautiful" I say staring at the setting sun.

"It truly is" Keagan say as I turn to look at him and he is already looking at me.

Ohhh christ save my soul, he could make me do anything!

He comes closer and cups my cheek with his hand, I lean in loving the feeling I get when he touches me I open my eyes feeling his warm breath fanning my face.

I grab his face and kiss him passionately, ha I'm getting the hang of this. I pull away to breathe.

He sits there for a couple of seconds speechless then says "your kisses are one of a kind" he says smiling brightly, my cheeks are beet red!

He lifts a lid to reveal a very delicious looking lasagna dish, oooo it smells so good too.

He hands me a fork and he motions for me to eat which I gladly do. Its sooo yummmy! I take a few more bites, when he lifts another lid which has mac & cheese underneath it.

Damn it looks delicious and again I dig in first and then he follows, I almost moan, its soo damn delicious.

One last big lid and this dish has spaghetti and meatballs another one of my favorites, this time he digs in first.

I watch the way he does it and its entrancing everything he does its so aghh I cant explain it.

I think he is about to put it in his mouth but no, he brings his fork wrapped in spaghetti to my mouth and I open, hmmm so good.

I so need to get my hands on these recipes! I open my eyes to see him watching me he smiles then digs in and motion for me to do the same.

When we finshed he moves all the dishes and replaces it with two smaller dishes. He hands me a spoon he opens up the first dish and its peppermint tart!

One of my favorites,he hands me a spoon motioning me to take a bite, I do as instructed.

I take a spoonful and feed him, he looks so yummy eating this yummy desert. After that we have some chocolate cake.

After eating a delicious meal, we lay back and stare at the stars. Its really wonderful out here.

"Do you like living here ?" He asks quietly as we lay there. "I love it here. I don't know this place calls to me. I miss my family and the home we had. I just feel like we can actually make a life here" I say wistfully thinking.

"What was it like back in your town?" He asks smiling. "If I'm being too forward you just say the word and I'll back up.

I'd just love to know everything about you. It's also really cute how you get all excited and animated when you talk about the things you love" he says looking at me.

"It's one of that towns where nothing really happens and everyone knows everyone. The boys and I were always getting into trouble. I swear they came along and put some oomph in that town.

Our neighbors would complain to our parents all the time about us. They also trained, it was compulsory. I don't know I think their parents were in the navy or something but the boys had to train everyday.

After a while of getting bored watching them I started training with them. Just the basics they were too scared to hurt me.

But I can definitely whip some ass" I end off with a warm smile as he stares at me.

After hours of talking about crazy moments in our childhood and star gazing we pack up and head back home.

When I get to my door he pulls me into a tight hug and I cant help but breathe in his scent! Chocolate and mint with a hint of forest I'll never grow tired of this smell.

He kisses me goodnight and heads home. I tutn and step inside the house and the moment I close my door im squealing like a school girl, he's so perfect! Tonight was so perfect!

I go to my bedroom to get undress when I hear scratching at my front door, ahhh Mr wolf!

I go to let him in he takes his usual spot, I kiss him goodnight and go to bed.

Tonight was magical.

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