Chapter 7 - Greek God

Start from the beginning

This has been my routine for the past three weeks, today is Tuesday and on Friday my family gets here whoop whoop I'm so excited.

Everyday for the last three weeks I get up, let Mr wolf out and walk to the bakery, have coffee with Maleeyah head to school and come back home to the bakery have coffee and chit-chat with Maleeyah, head home meet Mr wolf and then watch a new series, say goodnight to a sleeping Mr wolf and go to bed.

On the weekends I paint while Mr wolf watches and then go and help Maleeyah out at the bakery. This is my new routine and I love it.

I've grown very fond of Maleeyah and Mr wolf they keep me sane and I dont ever feel lonely.

Im pulled out of my thoughts when Maleeyah hits my shoulder, "owww what was that for?" I ask as I rub my shoulder, we currently sitting in one of our classes that teaches us about the different ways and techniques with shades and contrasts.

She gives me a flat look and says " The cute boy over there was calling you" pointing to my right side.

There sits a boy with light blonde hair, piercing green eyes, well built and nicely tanned. Hmm cute.

I give him a questioning look. "Hey there beautiful, I was wondering if I could get to know you, uhh maybe take you out this Saturday?" he asks

I feel my face burn up and I just know I'm red as a tomato, whaaaat? I've never had any boy ever call me beautiful or ever been asked out let alone on a date!

I blame Jody and the guys for this. Maybe I should give it a try.

Ohhh shit no I cant, not this weekend my family is coming over and the boys will so kill m- "Kylie!" I'm pulled out of my train of thought when Maleeyah hits my shoulder again. Bitch, owwwww!

I give a look that surely says, 'do that again and I'll slap you' she waves her hands up in surrender.

I turn to put on the sweetest smile suddenly feeling my cheeks burning up again even more than earlier if thats possible. "Hii im kylie" I say nervously.

"Uhh I just moved to town recently and my family will be visiting this weekend so I can not I'm sorry, maybe next time" I say fast feeling extremely nervous.

He gives me a million dollar smile "No problem darling, I'll try again next week" he says chuckling and I cant help but giggle, he's so cuteeeee!

"Thanks" he says laughing harder, whaaaaaaat? Did I just say that out loud, fuck noooo. Save me someone. Im red as a tomato!!!! Thank god class was just dismissed I sprint outta there in lightening speed.

Maleeyah runs after me laughing hard. God can I be any more awkward! "You soo cuteee Kylie" she says pinching my cheeks trying to keep herself from laughing

Rolling my eyes, I dont have a sassy comeback damn! "Ohhhh my god Kylie!!" she screams.

"You've never had a boyfriend before!" she screams even louder. I immediately cover her mouth.

"Shut up will you, not everyone has to know that you lil witch" I whisper yell blushing really hard looking around seeing who might have heard.

Well let's just say I spotted a whole lotta cute boys looking in our direction, I'm going to kill her!

On way home Maleeyah asks "So how come you've never dated before? And I cant wait to meet your family bring them around to the bakery on saturday".

I nod in agreement "Well all the boys in my town were too scared to even look my way. My boys never let anyone come near me.

The only thing boys could do was greet or acknowledge that I too was standing there. And I never felt the need to date, I was always too occupied and no one caught my attention" I say shrugging.

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