Chapter 29

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Eve's pov

"Something's troubling you, tell me" he states, damn.

"Were... Were you behind the idea of the vampires kidnapping, and draining me?". He tensed, then growled.

"I felt with those who came back alive. They were only meant to bring you to me. They let you escape and harmed you" I grit my teeth.

"Because of that, my friend was badly hurt! He was dieing!" I growl.

"I don't care about him! He's dead anyway! You were the main target! Nothing in-between matters!"

With that, I slap him. His head whipped to the side "he barely made it! He was in so much pain! I thought I could lose him!".

He was panting heavily, growling. Before I knew it, he had me pinned on the floor as he snarled in my face "do you know who I am?! You don't hit your King!".

I was shaking at the power and anger in his voice. He glared at me, and drove his teeth into my skin.

I scream out in pain, and shock. I kick, and thrash against him, but he was like an animal. He ripped his fangs out, and growled as he sealed my neck.

"Never do that again" he growled. I huddle in the corner, hearing the snorts of... Horses?!

That makes sense now.

He dropped on to the seat, looking out the window "he shouldn't have made it. He should be dead. Well, no matter. We shouldn't have any issues on out journey".

I weakly look at him "what do you mean? Where are we going? Why did I become human as well? What happened to Calex?!".

"You will see, and you are a special person, and if he's made it, he's no longer a wolf..."

What did he mean by that?

Slowly, my eyes drift shut, as everything faded away...

Mystery pov

He made it? That's going to be a big problem.

I look at the girl on the floor, she's unconscious. I growl, and scoop her up.

Why did she have to be her?

What can I do? I'm going to lose her, unless I chose her.

But what if I go through with it? I will gain the power I need, and I could get her back.

I smirk, that's what I'm going to do.

I scoop her up, and hold her to my chest, she unconsciously snuggled closer.

I chuckle, and place a kiss on her neck, her cheek, and he soft lips. "It won't be long, my princess"....

Kaden's pov

"Calm do-" I duck the oncoming chair, and growl "calm down!" I growl.

He was smashing, and throwing things. The dead girl on the floor, her scent wafting up my nose, so much blood.

Jax was trying to get through to him as well, but it's not working. "I want her back! I need my female! Where's Eve! Give her back to me!".

He was a mess. He was worse than before. We have no idea what's going on. But he has changed.

"I will find her! I will make her mine again! I will kill anything that tries to stop me! Get out of my way!".

He bared his teeth, his eyes becoming gold, and black. That's new.

He burst through the door, growling how he can sense where she might be, and he will skin the bastard who took her, alive...

I hope she's ok, for I fear if I have a feeling who has her does... Things won't be ending well for anyone...

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