Chapter 7

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Mystery pov

I'm more beast than human. I'm the first rogue, and more animalistic.

I don't really speak, and when I do, it's animalistic, with authority. Bad.

The words I whispered to her in her change, they were unnatural for me. It must be because I have put a claim on her, and the wolf cares for their own.

She's mine, that makes her my own.

I look at the beautiful she wolf below me, the need to stay beside her, mark her, and protect her floats around my system.

I lick her neck, earning a purr from her, and tingles. I graze my teeth over the area, just one motion, and it's done.

"Go on" my wolf chants. I internally smirk, she will be mine. I lean closer....

Eve's pov

Groaning, the feeling of tingles, and heat welcomes my awake. I open my eyes, only to see a large burgundy wolf hovering over me.

Wolves have always been my favorite animals, and I can't believe I've had close encounters... But not the way I imagined for them to go shamefully.

But I still got to see one.

I know who this wolf is, it's that boy. What's he doing?

I say something, only hearing growls. What the?! Oh... I'm still a wolf! I'm a wolf!

I could feel something on my neck, and whimper. I struggle, and manage to get away somehow.

"To you, it will sound like a growl, and to people. But to animals and wolves, it's like two people talking" his eyes narrow on me, his mouth growling, but I understood it.

"What were you doing to me? Why am I still in wolf form? How do I change? I want to go home!" I growl at him.

He puffs his chest out, standing tall, a dark aura surrounding him with power. It was a little suffocating.

"I want to mark you. We want to make you ours" he snarls, stepping closer. I whimper "I do t know what your mean, I want to go home".

"You need me. Now, bare your neck" I shake my head, no. He growls, and I go to run, but fall over my new legs.

He chuckles, and stands over me, keeping me trapped under him to the ground.

"Dare run from me, won't be good. Never disobey me, got that little one?". I whimper, and he growls.

"Bare your neck to me gorgeous" I shake my head, no. I growl, but he roars in my face, and I whine as he makes my head turn, keeping his large paw on it.

I was using my paws to push at him, but it had no effect. He chuckles "I will make you submit".

With that, his mouth is over my throat, not breaking the skin thankfully.

"Submit to me" he growls. I cry, and quickly use all my strength to kick upwards. He was taken off guard, and falls to the side.

I get up, and run off, first stumbling, then I got the hang of it.

"You will call for me, it won't be long" was all I heard, before I keep going, getting further away.

What am I going to do? I can't go home, Kai will hate me, I have no one... Just like before I met Kai.

I whine, and keep going. Suddenly, I'm knocked into the floor.

Whimpering, I hit the ground, rolling before skidding into a rock, hitting my side.

"What do we have here? A newly turned wolf?" I whine, and they laugh.

"Let's take her back, and show her what it means to cross a territory" with that, a hard fist hits my face, and everything goes dark....

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