Chapter 12

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Eve's pov

"Get lost! You're an asshole! You kidnapped me for no reason! Now you want to force me to be with you! I won't be your bitch! You can go fu-".

"Finish that, I dare you" he growled lowly.

I see glowing eyes in the camouflage of the trees. Crap, I'm surrounded.

If I die now, it saves them ripping me apart. He will probably snap my neck.

"-ck yo-" before I knew what hit me, my head was yanked to the side, his hand in my hair.

His other arm laced around my waist, tugging me hard against his solid, yet slightly soft chest.

His teeth embedded in my skin. I scream, and try to push him away, but he was on tight.

Tears came to my eyes. I hit his chest, but he didn't let go. He snarled in my head "you're fucking mine! I will never let my mate go" I whimper.

And scream again at the pain, which slowly dulls with my scream.

"Stop... Please..." He growls. I sob "I'm... Sorry. Stop...".

He pulls away, his teeth sliding out, making me groan. He trails his tongue over the skin, tingles were spreading everywhere.

I hear a loud howl, and a snarl in the distance. That slides to the back of my mind, when I feel him let go of my hair, then stroking it.

I moan, earning him to nuzzle his face in the crook of my neck "your mine now, my beautiful mate".

I felt exhausted, and week, but sleep wouldn't come. He let me lean on him for support,

I clutch his shirt, try to stop from dropping. Getting the idea, he scoops me up.

I hear a deadly snarl, and then I was being carried away....

Mystery 2 pov

The pack was going haywire, what's up with them?

I get a link from my guards "a she wolf entered the territory, a male chased her. We need assistance, Sir".

I snarl, who dares enter without permission?!

I use my speed, and snarl when a scent wafts up my nose. My wolf was acting strange as well.

He wanted me to go to it, so I hurry as fast as possible.

I was near the clearing, the scent got stronger, I could smell a scent I know too well, that I wish never existed.

That scent, it wafted up my nose, I felt my eyes shifting, teeth lengthening.

When I got to the guards, I demand what happened, they knew my wolf was out too.

"A female, she smelt like a first transition wolf, not sure of the status in that area" I nod, and look at the second guard.

"She ran through, a male chasing her. He had a strong aura around him, they seemed to be arguing" I nod again, then look at the third guard.

"She basically told him to do one, but he got angry, and forcefully marked her. I think they were mates". I nod for the last time.

"Ok, thanks and back to your posts" they bow their heads, and go back.

I sniff the air. I need to find that smell. "Kaden, meet me at the border as quick as you can please".

"You need me?" A voice pops up from beside me. I pat my brother's shoulder.

"We need to go investigating" he grins "you know me, always love to get my nose into things".

I chuckle "that I do" my brother is well-built, but not like me yet. I have an eight pack, he has six. Still good, he is buffer than others.

He has dark brown hair, mine is Black, both shaggy, mine slightly spiky, eyes blue, his green.

He was 5'7, I was 6'0. When we were little, we always argued about who was taller, when he slightly beat me, I had a growth spurt, and was the tallest out of us two.

"What do we need to investigate?" He questions, walking side by side with me. We head into the trees, and I inhale.

He did the same, but looked confused, and kept going. I could smell it, it was faint, but I might find it before I lose it.

"A scent, it smells like strawberry candyfloss, and oranges" I sniff again, I was losing it.

I dart off, earning a "wait for me" from him as he raced after me. I was going as fast as I could, and I hear him say "can you smell it?".

"Yes, faintly" what he said shocked me "that's good and all, but I can't" I choke.

"What?" He can't smell it? But... That's impossible. Werewolves have heightened senses, he should smell it!


Suddenly, I swerve out of the way if the tree, just missing it. However, Kaden wasn't so lucky as he clumsily crashed into it, groaning.

I stifle my laugh, and help him up "warning wouldn't go without a miss, man".

I chuckle "I always knew you were a tree hugger" he rolled his eyes "your mean" I grin, and he smiles, following me.

I see a small hut building, and the scents hit me. I snarl, I hate it!

"Kaden, can you do me a favor?" He grins "already one step ahead". I smirk, that's my brother...

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