Chapter 8

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Eve's pov

I woke up to the feeling of an achy body. I look around, and see them laughing.

"She's awake, let's have more fun!" I look down, only to see my white paws, now a dirty shade.

"We beat you while you slept, now we are going all out" I whine, and try to back away, only to feel the wall.

I had a hose shoved towards me as I was sprayed with freezing water.

I snarl, and go to break free, but one shifted, and held me down with his large frame, I couldn't get out. He scratched me, bit me, and chucked me to the side.

I whine, and beg for them to stop. But they didn't. I watch as a stick with small statics on the end buzz to life.

I try to crawl, but my paws got maimed instantly. I howl out in agony as I was jabbed with it, feeling the bolts of electricity shoot through me.

Suddenly, I'm collared, and dragged to the door. I watch a fat man came through, power surrounding him.

"Alpha, she's ready" he smirks at me, grabs the chain, and drags me through the area.

I watched people laugh and snicker. I don't know if any of this is like a real wolf pack or what, but all knowledge seems to flee from me.

I couldn't walk, my paws were maimed, and now I was being dragged. I could feel the splinters and rocks jabbing my fire, scrapping skin.

He chucks me to the side, and I hit it with a hard force, and just lay there in a mess.

I heard cheers, and fur now stiff from the blood matting my once snow coat.

My eyes feel heavy, and tired. I don't know if I can go on anymore.

I hear the scrapping of metal, and look up in time to see a pole being brought down over my body.

I howl in pain, as he hits me three more times with it. He stabs it into the floor, creating a hole. Dust splashing my face, making me weakly sneeze.

He ties my chain to it, and slowly, everyone left me, laughing, watching me writhe in pain.

I'm really scared. I want to go home. I want my teddy!

When there was no one around, I pull at my bindings, only to whimper when it dug into my skin, cutting it even more.

I dig into the ground weakly, managing to free the pole. I limp my way through the woods, leaving whatever this place is behind.

I kept going, even after falling over, I never stopped. My tail was between my legs, head down, body dropping every now and then.

I hear a low snarl, causing me to go into panic mode. I was frightened.

I whimper repeatedly "please, leave me alone!" I cry. I watch a dark brown wolf appeared from the shrubs.

I whine, and back away. He looks me over, and came forwards. "d-don't h-hurt m-me" I cry again.

He snorts, and gets closer. I back away, and he growls. I try to run, but the pain in my paws prevent me from doing so.

He pins me down, making me howl in more pain "bare your neck".

I do so, and he clamps down. I was a crying mess, it hurt. He wasn't doing the mark thing, I know that, cause it's different to how burgundy was going to do it.

I scratch, and he shakes his head. He lets go, and walks away. I could feel the blood pouring out of my wound, and before he completely vanished, I heard him say "I'm putting you out of your misery". Then he went.

I... Need... To... Get... Home...

I slither on my tummy, slightly crawling, and shuffling. I have to find home...

I heard rustling, and I whimper. Maybe I should just die here. Or I should have let burgundy do what ever he wanted with me. Or I should have staid home.

When paws enter my vision, I cry so loud it sounded weird, pained. A ferocious growl echoes around the area, and my heart went into overdrive as my body shook, and everything went dark....

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