119. Erotic hospital in the house of Snape

Start from the beginning

first, Severus went into the bathroom with Harry to put him in the tub.
Harry still could not sit up for long, let alone stand.
"Do you want to wash me like a baby now?" The teenager wanted to know.
"If you behave like that." His husband grumbled.
"I can not help it, that I can not move properly yet." Harry tried to justify himself.
"Oh no? If you did not do that stunt, you would not be lying there now. "
Now the cat realized what that would mean.
"My season is over?" He wanted to know.
"What you can rely on. I'm still incredibly angry with you. This action was reckless, careless and so typical Gryffindor that I get really sick of it. severus had been holding back for the past few days, but now he had to get rid of his anger and anxiety. Otherwise he would burst.
"But, I could not just let Tonks die," the cat whimpered.
"Tonks was already dead, you would not have let her die. and what about the others who did not make it? What about Neville's grandmother? Did you ever think how the boy feels that you saved Tonks, but not Augusta? "

Of course, the Potions Master knew how unfair he was at the time, but he wanted Harry to be clear about his action. And he was not at the moment. Although his husband had promised him that he would not do that again, Severus did not trust the words yet. he was sure that Harry would do the same again anytime.

"Mrs. Longbottom had already gone through the veil. I could not bring her back. That's what I told Nev, he got it. "Vampirkater responded softly as he let himself be washed by Severus.
"Does that mean you tried otherwise?" Severus asked sharply.
His husband nodded ruefully.
"Damn, Harry, are you really paying attention to your own life? You have repeatedly accused me of how reckless my actions are, but you are not better yourself. do you realize what it would mean for me to lose you? I'm not talking about your friends right now, I do not care about them at the moment. And yes, I know how selfish that is, but I can not do anything about it right now. "
"Sev, me, ..."
"No, now you listen to me. I love you, you are now the most important person for me, a life without you is simply unimaginable for me. No, it is absolutely unacceptable. I promised you that I would not endanger myself if I did not have to and do not give myself up as a guinea pig. I have agreed to these demands simply because I know how important I am to you and because I can now enjoy my life myself. and that is exactly what I require from you. I know your nature urges you to help anyone who needs help. But I also need you, alive. So please, start cherishing yourself as we all do. if not, I will really tie you up and I do not care how much you get upset. "

So long had Severus never spoken about his feelings. Not in a row at least. And above all not so passionate and honest. yes, Harry knew how Sev felt towards him, he told him often enough. But never before had he felt so strongly that his husband was really so scared to lose him.
Only now it dawned on the vampire counsel what he had risked the action. He had not even thought for a second how Severus would feel if it all went awry.
Merlin, how selfish was he?
With wide eyes he looked to his, still angry man.
"I am sorry. I did not think. I just wanted to get Tonks back. I did not waste any thoughts on others. Shit, you must have been so scared. I would have had her the other way round. "The young man whispered.
Severus was relieved to find that his sermon had actually arrived.
Carefully, he lifted Harry out of the tub and dried it off. Then he put him in his pajamas and carried him to bed.
"Quiet, I just want to hold you. Yeah, I was scared shit around you, these words are very accurate. I thought my heart would stop. Especially when Poppy had said that you are in a magic coma. Do you know that you were damn lucky? if you did not have such magical powers it would have been easy for you to have not woken up for months. Damn, you could have even died. "
"If I did not have such powers, it would not have come this far." Harry said.
"Sometimes I wish it would be that way." Gestured Severus.
"Do not say that we would not be together if I was not a magical being. And all this alone has been worth it. or do you think I would have ever dared to confess my feelings if Luna had not come up with the idea at the time? "

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