113. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 2

Start from the beginning

.Ron felt great, not in a presumptuous sense, he was just happy that he too could make a contribution.

"After Malfoy tells his lord everything, he will probably smell the fuse immediately. That's what it's called when you get a clue, right? "
Hermione nodded.
."Then the second part of the plan comes to fruition. Professor, Riddle surely has spies in the Ministry? "
"What you can use to deposit your trading cards." The man grumbled.
"All right, do you all know, Sirius?"
The minister listened, then nodded.
."Yes, the guy from our two Snapes' is now working with me as well. He called me all. Unfortunately, I still could not get rid of everyone. Some of them do not even have the dark mark. And for no reason I can not fire anyone. "
"For Merlin's sake, do not do that. .we need those little lights. "
Ron almost waved his arms. He just managed to pull himself together.
Sirius raised his hands placatingly.
"Alright, they stay where they are."
"Thanks, the difficult part will stay with you."
"As always," Sirius grumbled.
.Ron stopped complaining. They all knew that.
"You have to make sure that one of Riddle's spies, or better still, knows more about the right date. But do not tell them all at the same time. Throw them only little pieces. .The one may go earlier the day because he is too low down to know about really important issues. The next one is sent somewhere else, where he is far away from the action. Do not give a precise time. .it is better if Riddle starts from a time window. Two hours from me. "
Sirius frowned.
"That's really not easy. I have to come up with good reasons so that the spies are informed, but do not know too much. And, they are not allowed to be there either. "
."It's not just the spies that need to be eliminated, but also the other employees who have nothing to do with the case. Anything that's too far down the food chain has no place on the day in that part of the ministry. "
Sirius nodded.
."Good, and anyone who violates it will be fired."
The minister looked at Ron big.
"Why not? And why are you screaming like that? "
"That must be the lack of control." Giggled Luna.
"Very funny. No, do not threaten them. Otherwise, they notice immediately that something is in the bush. .not just Riddle's people. It must look like you're desperately trying to make a matter of paramount importance seem harmless. It's best they think you're a bungler. "
"Thanks, too. And why would that work? "Sirius was struck by his pride.
.Ron smiled reassuringly at the man.
"Because we have a big advantage that they do not know?"
"And that would be?" The minister was still taken aback.
"We know that you have recovered from Azkaban. Riddle and his people are not. .who think you are still as childish and impulsive as before. In addition, our snake man has people in the nose all the time who also suffered from dementors. He probably thinks you're just like Lestrange and Co. "
.Finally, the former Marauder could relax.
"This is really a good plan. When you're done with school, do you happen to be thinking about a career as my strategic advisor? "
Ron's eyes grew big.
"Right now." The director smiled.

.severus was still a little dissatisfied.
"And how is this going to work with Draco? The boy is not stupid. When Black and Harry run through the corridors and chat about state secrets, they notice it immediately. "
Ron just looked at his potions teacher silently. .then he raised his hand and pointed to his new ring.
"I said the new inventions of our three geniuses will help us.
We will disguise ourselves with the cloaks in the shade. Only this time we do not use humans but objects, which is also a good exercise in standing still. .because it can take longer, we have to take the exact time. It's best we spread over a large area. "
"Now I understand, and then you want to tell Harry and Sirius about the rings," beamed Hermione.
Ron nodded, then looked at Harry and his godfather.
."You need to talk in a place where there are no pictures or the like. Also no other listeners may appear. But we'll let you know about that. "
"Harry is a hangover, he hears if Malfoy is coming. So why the rings? "Sirius wanted to know.
."That's right, but Harry also has to be careful to talk to each other at the right time. Besides, it should not look like you've been standing there for hours, that can happen. .you have to stand in a corner and wait, or better yet, you come from a classroom. "
"That's good, I could have pulled Harry into a classroom to yell at him. .I'm not in our apartment because Remus can not hear my jellies anymore, and Snape is no different. "
"This rumor should make but already before the round." Turned Minerva.
"That's not hard. In this school, nothing spreads faster than such stories. .Siri only has to come out of Severus' and Harry's apartment furiously once and complain about the lack of concern of certain snakes. And I can read the Levites to our minister on my way to my classroom. Draco Malfoy does not even have to catch that himself. "Remus rejoiced.
.Fred leaned back, snorting. He pulled Luna to his chest.
"Merlin, so much effort just for a snake. I hope the cattle appreciate our efforts. If not, I'll make a purse out of her and give it to my harpist. "
.Luna laughed and kissed her boyfriend.
"Do not, I'm not wearing anything faithful to Riddle. That damages my complexion. "
That eased the mood significantly.
"Nevertheless, the whole plan stands and falls, with the Peryton cloaks."
It was the first time that Moody came back. .he had not said a word during Ron's complete explanation. Harry almost forgot the man if he had not smelled it.
The words of the old Auror brought everyone down again.
"True, we will have to practice until we drop. Especially because there is a problem. "
.Now everyone was looking at Neville.
The boy blushed immediately and wanted to hide behind George.
The twin did not think so. He shook hands with his friend encouragingly and nodded to him.
The shy boy sighed.
."Harry, it's your dream room, could you make a candle, please?"
"Of course, Waldgeist."
At Harry's request, a beautiful big candle appeared.
"Very funny, I wanted her to burn."
.the Vampirkater grinned, he knew he'd helped Neville out of his nervousness with that little silliness.
The next moment the flame flickered.
Neville took her and got up.
"George, could you help me?"
Immediately, the twin was with his partner.
"What should I do?"
."Nothing at all, just stop."
It was Neville who was moving, with the candle in his hand.
It was not long before everyone saw the problem.
"Mice dung," Moody cursed.
"That's the way to say it." Minerva said, although she wrinkled her nose over the words.
.Now everyone fell silent again.

"You probably can not make the capes to follow the shadow, no matter how he moves?" Aurora wanted to know about her husband.
Because that was exactly the problem, shadows moved depending on the lighting conditions. .he suddenly appeared in a completely different place.
The inventor shook his head.
"No, the time is far from that."
Sirius rubbed his forehead. He tried to remind himself of the light conditions in the ministry. .but nobody cares about that in real life.
Resigned, he dropped his hands again.
"I'll take a closer look at the morning. Moody, you should do the same with the Aurors. In the meantime, the rest practices walking with the cloaks until they fall over. .even those who cast the shadow have to work on their movements. "
There was a nod of approval from everywhere.
Remus glanced to the left and paused.

"TONKS, did you fall asleep?"
Immediately all eyes turned to the Auror.
The young woman slowly opened her eyes.
."No, I heard everything. Incidentally, I think Ron earned house points for his plan. "
"True, Mr. Weasley, 50 points for your excellent plan. If it works, you'll get another 100. "
Ron gratefully beamed at his tutor.
."Well, that does not explain why you closed your eyes. And what is this gone facial expression? "Now wanted to know Moody.
The man absolutely did not like it when you were not fully in the thing.
Tonks straightened up in her chair. .She had slipped down quite a distance. "I was just wondering if I could look like a shadow? If so, then I could take several with you. And I would not have to worry about the light either.

"Now many jaws down. ."But, a metamorph can only copy people. At least I read that. "Hermione interjected. "That's not to say, there are so few of us that there are no studies. That's why we have to register. I am the only one in Europe. .No one has yet tried to morph into anything but another human being. "" And you want to start with it? "Sirius wanted to know. "What you can bet on your coat. For something it has to be good. In addition, you can train every skill. ".You could really see how ambitious the young woman had been. "If you can do that, you'll get a paycheck," pledged the minister. After this surprising turn everyone decided to make it good for today. "You should make yourself invisible again." .Advised Dumbledore. Harry opened the door and sniffed out. "No human around." Then he stopped. His gaze went down. "Oh." Curious, everyone was still in the front, but Harry shooed her back into the room. ."Come on, do not worry, no one's going to do anything to you." With that, the vampire father held out his hand. When he turned and came back to the Room of Requirement, Ron screamed. Harry quickly closed the door again. "Dude, why did you bring in such a cattle?" .

The redhead had backed away to the wall. The reason was a big spider sitting on Harry's hand. It was so big that it almost slipped down the sides. In addition, you could clearly see her black hair. Not to mention the eyes and the chewing tools. .The others did not look happy either. "Kitten, what's on her leg?" Severus wanted to know. Harry smiled. "We use owls to deliver messages. The centaurs rely on spiders. "With that, the vampire caterer carefully removed the eight-legged man's letter. .The spider crawled up his arm and made himself comfortable on the vampire's shoulder. Something that kept Ron whimpering. Harry unrolled the letter, barely had he read the message, he swallowed. "The centaurs ask you to come to the forest.

There are some Death Eaters to pick up. Or rather, what's left of them. "With a chalk-white face, Harry handed the letter to his husband. He looked after a few moments of reading and not better. "Severus, what happened?" Minerva wanted to know. .The jailer swallowed. "A few days ago, our husband warned us that Riddle would try to pull the spiders to his side. But they've been loyal to Harry since the basilisk thing. "The director's eyes widened. "You do not want to say that the spiders?From the teenagers came hysterical screams. That's why the old man found it better not to finish his sentence. Severus nodded anyway. Harry gasped. "And since the spiders live in symbiosis with the centaurs, they were probably asked to clean the nests. .Well, Umbridge probably did it this time. "Now it was over. Ron turned around and repeated what he had already done in his sophomore year. He vomited heartily. Neither Fred nor George raised their brother for that. They too were slightly green. .Harry stared at his man with wide eyes.

"No ten unicorns take me to this forest. Not as long as they are there. Spiders liquefy their victims and suck them out. I do not feel like picking up a bunch of skins with bones. "" HARRY! "Shrieked Hermione as well. "Sorry." .The green eyed mumbled softly. "None of you demands that either. We will go. We'd better take Bane with us. "Severus had pulled his baby into his arms. Much to the frustration of the spider. The vampire counsel looked at the messenger"Would you go with Severus and show him where to go? And woe, you bring him to your nest. My friends are not food. "The spider scrambled effortlessly onto the Potions master's arm. "All right, and you're all going to your dorms now." Minerva demanded. ."If I can still sleep now." Ron grumbled. One after the other, the adolescents became invisible and disappeared. No one envied the teachers and Aurors for their work. Because even the twins and Dimitrius refused to go to the forest. .

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