Fifty One: Three Strong

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Stone Prince

Florian's heart stopped as he stood tall in front of hundreds of officials, clammy hands clutching at his suit coat to calm his nerves.  The Oak Prince was smiling up at him, hands wrapped around a shining gray object. 

Jimin's crown. 

Jungkook turned to the crowd proudly, lifting his voice a notch so that everybody could hear him. 

"I officially deem one of my very own Oak Soldiers, better known as Florian to those who know him: Stone Prince, one of the three rulers of Noirwood and sworn protector of the North."

After uttering those words, the ravenette placed the crown gently upon Florian's brown locks and stood back, in awe at the newly crowned prince before him. Florian raised his hands up to feel the smooth metal of the crown that had once belonged to his role model, fingers tracing its design. 

The crowd cheered as he stepped forward on the makeshift platform that had been constructed outside of the country home, arms out as if welcoming the people of Noirwood. Florian's heart was pounding as he briefly glanced at Eonjin, who was awaiting her turn to be crowned. Clapping his hands together once, Florian quieted the crowd enough to make a speech. 

"Hello, citizens of Noirwood," he swallowed his fear down as he thought about Jimin standing next to him on the stage, "It is my honor to be crowned Stone Prince after the late Park Jimin. My legacy will be a continuation of his...and I will make it my goal to spread what he stood for across Noirwood during my reign...I am fully grateful for this position and I will not let you down."

He bowed deeply, a sense of relief coursing through him when the crowd clapped and cheered for his princely disposition. Florian turned around, walking back to stand next to Prince Jeon, who seemed overjoyed to see Noirwood accepting the new prince so eagerly. 

"Great job, Florian," the boy hardly heard the words come from Jungkook's mouth as he was nudged because the whoosh of blood thumping in his ears was too loud. 

Thank goodness he was done.

Eonjin was next. 

Florian watched as the former Laurel Prince was wheeled out to center stage, a proud smile on his lips. He raised his arms out for his sister, motioning for her to join him. 

"Ah, my lovely sister Eonjin...I couldn't be more proud to crown you Laurel Princess."

Taehyung's voice was a bit scratchy, but Florian didn't think Eonjin minded much. The girl seemed to have a bit of stage fright, her neck tense and the color in her cheeks filling as more people watched her. Her injured brother wasn't bothered by this however, calming the girl's nerves by taking her hand in his. 

"It's alright," he mouthed to her, facing away from the audience. Giving her hand a squeeze, Eonjin took a deep breath as her brother released his grip. Taehyung snapped his fingers once, and a servant instantly brought him the famous Laurel Crown. 

Oohs and aahs filled the excited air as the beautiful crown glimmered in the sunlight. A soft breeze tousled Taehyung's blonde hair as his both of his hands supported the crown. 

"I know right?! It's so pretty!" he gazed upon the people in the crowd, nodding gaily as they laughed, "There is no one here who deserves to wear this more than Eonjin!"

Florian observed the girl in front of him, who was flattered beyond words, gaping at the gorgeous piece of art as Taehyung held it up. She bent down to his seated level, mouth slightly ajar as her brother placed the crown gently upon her head. 

"Long live Princess Kim Eonjin! I hereby declare her to be the new Laurel Head as I formally step down!" the blonde man yelled cheerfully. 

Eonjin straightened, her first reaction was to look back at Florian, joy flying in her eyes. 

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