Twelve: By the Crabapple

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Oak Prince 

The breakfast had already started by the time Jungkook spotted both the Stone and Laurel Princes entering the large hall doors together. Jungkook would be lying if he said that the sight of the two of them walking together didn't upset him a little bit. 

Ever since the nightmare about the Stone Prince wearing his family's symbol of Oak, Jungkook felt wary about Park Jimin. Something that he couldn't completely trust--something in the clandestine portions of his true nature. After all, Jimin did not hesitate to kill that man in the alleyway. He didn't pause to think about his actions, he just stabbed and murdered. Would Jimin betray us just as fast as he decapitated that man?

For his own safety, Jungkook made a mental note to exercise caution around Jimin until he knew more about the strange northern prince. Even though Taehyung had drugged him a few weeks ago, Jungkook felt more at ease around Prince Kim's presence than the gray male. Something in their body language was different. Whereas Taehyung was open, his emotions clear on his face--his sincerity in the apology for muddying up Jungkook's head...Jimin was quite the opposite. His reactions were diluted, emotions not present through his facial features. And for someone like Jungkook, who tries to educate himself about the world and its people--Jimin's closed-off nature irked him. I can't figure him out...why would I dream of Jimin like that? Is it a sign?

When the other two princes spotted Jungkook seated at the high table with two empty spots at his left and right, they headed toward him. Prince Kim approached amicably smiling and waving. Prince Park with a blank, unreadable face that unnerved Jungkook. No wave. No smile.

"Good morning, Taehyung." Jungkook nodded towards Prince Kim, hoping that Taehyung wouldn't mention the crown incident between the two of them. 

"Mornin'. Smells so good." Taehyung took a seat at Jungkook's left side and placed a lace napkin delicately on his lap. He raised his sharp jawline, dark eyes measuring the younger. "By the way, thanks for the clothes."

Jungkook definitely did not miss the sheer navy shirt that Taehyung wore, showing off his fine figure. More than a few of his own court paused what they were doing to get a look at Taehyung when he entered. People knew who he was instantly. The great looks, great body, shining confidence. It made Jungkook feel stupid for not immediately putting two and two together weeks earlier at Prince Kim's own party. How did he not see it?

It was probably the alcohol then. 

Jungkook smiled warmly at the attractive man to his right. "Oh, no problem. I tried to pull together my finest clothes for the both of you...I'm sorry if they don't match your individual tastes very well. I'm sure I can arrange something different if you want-"

"No, it's fine. The clothes are fine." Jimin butt in from Jungkook's left side as he took a seat. "We shouldn't be worried about menial things such as clothes when the fate of the kingdom is in our hands." Wow, okay.

Taehyung gave Jimin a strange look from across the table but said nothing. Jungkook bit at his lower lip before thinking of a proper reply. 

"I agree with you Jimin...I just want to make sure my guests are treated well. When people find themselves in unwelcome environments, they tend not to think as clearly as if they were in a place suited to their own comforts." The slight twinge of venom in Jungkook's voice was hard to miss.

Jimin tutted, clearly upset with Jungkook's bitter answer. Jungkook could tell that the gray-haired male was a stubborn one, by the way he softly shook his head and tilted his head to the side. Almost as if he was arguing with the younger in his mind. Jungkook's safe answer, instead of cooling down Jimin's irritation, only fueled it. 

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