Forty Eight: Silence

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"What...what do you mean...I don't understand..."

The blonde girl working the front desk at the inn was at a loss for words. A messenger had burst through the door seconds ago with an "urgent message from the Oak Prince."

What would the Oak Prince want with her? 

"I mean, I have an important message from the Oak Prince, if you'll care to listen," the messenger's eyes flitted back and forth...which to Eonjin wasn't a good sign of anything. She knew there had been a large battle in the south a few days ago...maybe this meant...

Was her brother okay? 

"I'll listen. Yes, follow me. Any customers that come here will just have to wait."

The blonde girl led the messenger into the interior of the inn to her personal quarters, nerves bustling around in her stomach. It reminded her of when she led Jimin into her room a while back, for his makeover. An image of the gray-haired male in one of her white dresses flooded into her mind, bringing a small smile onto her lips. 

Had Jimin told Prince Kim about her?

"You can take a seat," Eonjin motioned to the armchair in her room, sitting politely on the edge of her bed. Her foot bounced repetitively back and forth as she watched the man's face grow uncomfortable. 

"Well..." the messenger sighed and bowed his head, "You must have heard about the battle that took place two days ago, yes?"

Eonjin nodded, twirling her fingers around anxiously. The air suddenly seemed a bit too stuffy. 

"During that battle, many great people were lost...One of them," the servant paused, adjusting his collar. 

"One of them was the Stone Prince."

A small wave of sadness passed through Eonjin. She nodded her head solemnly. She didn't know the Stone Prince, but losing one of the three princes of Noirwood was a bit deal. She responded politely, still not sure why the man was telling her this. 

"Oh...that's...that's horrible."

The messenger gave her a strange look, as if she hadn't reacted the way he'd expected. After a few seconds, something passed over his face, and he rubbed his forehead in exasperation. 

" know that the Stone Prince is Park Jimin, right?"



The Jimin who she had dressed up...was the Stone Prince?! 

Eonjin's face fell, her hands tangling their way into her blonde locks. Her lips began to quiver as she spoke softly, eyes tearing up. 

"J-Jimin? He...he was so nice...I," A tear slipped out of Eonjin's eye, "No wonder he had connections to my brother...I didn't know he was the Stone Prince..."

Then she broke down sobbing. The messenger awkwardly walked to her side, placing a comforting hand on her upper back. 

Why did Jimin have to die? She missed him, wanted to see that nice man again...

"Why...Jimin," she mumbled as she struggled to breathe steadily. Her hands shook in their loose grasp and the messenger cleared his throat. 

"I'm deeply sorry, Eonjin...I'm also here to let you know that the Oak Prince will come to pay his respects and meet you officially, not just as a guest at the inn like last time he was here. He told me to tell you that the Stone Prince is sorry...and that you are..." the messenger bit his lip. 

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