Twenty One: The Scar

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Laurel Prince

For the first time in a while, Taehyung was feeling comfortable. His long back was getting a scrubbing by a trusted colleague. Everything was going well...until the Oak Prince suddenly brought up the scar on his chest. 

That his father cursed him with.

On that night.

The night of Taehyung's 18th birthday--when the castle decided to throw a huge party for the next-in-line's passage into adulthood. The night that Taehyung would finally be given a crown of his own to celebrate his official status as a prince. An official member of royalty, given authority to command the Laurel Court when his father was away.

That night, Taehyung was ecstatic, bubbling with joy. His father had already been out of the castle for days on a hunting trip, and it didn't seem like he was returning any time soon. It wasn't uncommon for his father to disappear days at a time. This time was just like the rest, he thought. He's gone...and I'm finally free to do what I want without the burden of hiding. 

Taehyung didn't to worry about avoiding his father, who always wanted to introduce him to guests. He would be free on that night, let himself go, drink more wine, finally dance for felt amazing. 

Taehyung dressed in a simple white shirt and black pants with his favorite leather shoes. He put on earrings, which he rarely wore because it would draw more attention to him, and smiled brightly at himself in the round foyer mirror. For once, he felt confident about having a party and would try to make friends--something he was never capable of doing under his father's watchful gaze. 

Right as Taehyung was touching up his hair and straightening out the collar of his dress shirt, the bell on top of the castle gonged. The vibrations of the bell excited his attention. He stood by the large doors of his castle in anticipation of the many guests that were sure to arrive. 

Eventually, the doors opened and people poured into the magnificent Laurel Castle. Taehyung's eyes excitedly scanned the moving crowd. He inhaled the sweet scents of perfume, cologne, exotic foods, and foreign musk that was attached to guests waltzing in. The guests chattered as they flocked inside, their high-pitched voices eager and curious. Taehyung frowned when he heard certain words floating around.

"Where is Prince Kim Senior?"

"I want to see the REAL Prince."

"Where is the Prince's son? Isn't it that imbecile's birthday or something?"

The guests were there for Taehyung's father, not for Taehyung. Only about half of the guests recognized him. The rest just looked over him as if he were a young servant in the building, working with the symbol of the Laurel stitched on his shirt.  It made him angry, fueled his irritation.

But Taehyung wasn't one to act out--he grew up getting tutored in princely manners. Royal etiquette was extremely important for image. No, he couldn't act out...especially since his father would hear about it when he returned from his trip. And Taehyung didn't want the punishment that was sure to follow his poor behavior at his father's beloved party. 

That his father wasn't even there for. Stupid...stupid! I can never escape him!

Taehyung sighed and grabbed several wine glasses off of the side table. Surrounded by a cloud of anger, he walked over to a small, quiet area in the hall right by the entrance. He sipped at his wine, a bit downcast because of the way the guests spoke down to him, but not as anxious as he would be if his father were there. Young Taehyung stood there for an hour, not speaking to anyone. He gulped down wine glasses, the warming alcohol doing little to control his inner rage. 

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