Sixteen: Something Needs to Change

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Laurel Prince

Taehyung left the battle field in his carriage, hands still dripping with blood. When the time came, he gazed up at the approaching Oak Castle with a deep sadness. Taehyung knew he would have to face Jungkook or Jimin sometime that night or the next, and he wanted none of it. He didn't want their pity. 

Instead of being in an angry or aggressive mood after losing--Taehyung was hurt, distressed. He took a strong blow to his pride, a jab at his heart. He was sad.

The Laurel Prince's own troops would be at the command of somebody else--because he lost them. Because he was too weak to beat the Stone Prince in a duel.

As he climbed out of the carriage and strode towards the private side entrance of the castle, a medic ran up to him. Taehyung's hands still bled pretty badly, rivulets of maroon pouring down tan fingers. Without asking, the medic seized his wrists to get a better look at the cuts that ran down both of his palms. 

"Sir, your hands need assistance. I'll get those cuts stitched up for you right awa-" 

"Don't touch me. Get away. Leave me alone." Taehyung growled at the medic, ripping his arms free from the man's grip. Taehyung didn't care if he came off as mean to the medic or bled all over Jeon's Castle. He didn't care if his cuts got infected and he fell ill. He didn't care that his hands would be scarred for the rest of his life, to match the long scar that ran along his torso. 

All he wanted at that moment was to go to his room and take a long hot bath with a large keg of wine. He missed wine. 

He missed his parties.

He needed to get his mind off of everything. 

Storming up to his room, he ignored the worried looks from passing servants at his bleeding condition. He slammed the door to his bedroom open, leaving a red smear across the handle. Once inside, he went to the case of the wine that he'd personally asked for. and tore it open. Even if the wine at the Oak Castle wasn't as sweet or fulfilling as his own, Taehyung would make do with what he had. I'm going to drink until I can't anymore.

Taehyung winced as his sore hands took the wine bottle in their grasp and brought the mouth of the bottle up to his lips. The dark wine comingled with the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and he winced. After a few long draughts, he set the bottle on his night stand and stood up to get his bath water ready.

Taehyung peeled off the sweaty, damaged armor on him and violently threw it at the side wall. The chain metal thunked loudly onto the room, leaving a small dent in the dry wall. But Taehyung could care less. It wasn't like he couldn't afford to pay for incurred damages.

"Fuck...I lost it all...fuck."

The sound of running water muted the sound of Taehyung's soft sobbing as he lay on his bed, hands throbbing painfully and energy extinguished. After a few salty tears slipped down his dirty cheeks, he realized how stupid he had been at the duel. Grabbing the swords...why did I have to do that? Why?

The other princes probably thought of him as an unstable, narcissist who just wanted to fight people or have a fun time drugging them.

And maybe he was. But Taehyung was willing to change...he was willing to stop that. He knew the behavior was infantile, immature. He wanted to stop that.

Just...not tonight.

Taehyung greedily reached for the wine bottle and tipped it back, drinking down the rest of the liquid. The warmth of the alcohol filled him up, made him feel complete. He angrily wiped the tears off of his face with the back of his hand. Blood dripped everywhere, tainting the sheets, his clothes. He didn't care.

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