"Sorry, but she was wide awake," Andre said.

Skyla got off the wagon and stretched. "Ah, where are we?"

"The town," Alton said. "The one we helped out, it seems it's back to normal." Skyla looked around.

"Wow," Skyla smiled. "Everyone seems happy now, no more evil priest. Anyways I'm hungry; let's get something to eat."

As Alton asked one of the stable boys to watch over the wagon, Skyla spotted Nicholas coming out of the tavern. Frowning, she handed Andre Sky's blanket. "I'll be back."

Andre nodded. "Let's go inside; it's too chilly for you."

Skyla made her way over to Nich after her mother chased him away; he hasn't gone back. James and the other guy stuck around. But not Nich. "Nich!"

Nich looked back and stopped. "Skyla, what are you doing here?"

"We stopped to rest," she said. "We are heading back to my cousin for a wedding." She hugged him. "It's good to see you; where have you been? Why haven't you gone back?"

"Your mother made it clear," he held her tightly. "She doesn't want me there."

"You were a pain in the butt," she stepped back. "But you should at least be there for my mother, your her family." She frowned. "I never did ask, but what are you to my mother?"

"A childhood friend," he said. "We grew up together and lost our parents. We stuck together until all of that happened. But we met up again, and yeah."

"Do you love her?" She asked.

He laughed. "No," he said. "I don't see your mother like that; I worried about her, that is all. It's my cousin, David, that loves her. But he never has the guts to tell her, even now that she returned to her husband."

"Than why were you angry?" She asked. "Why didn't you like the idea of my mother going back home to take care of my father?"

"Fear," he said. "Fear for your family safety, that that crazy mad man would go after them or hurt someone. Now that I think about it, I haven't sensed him at all; it's like he stopped for some reason. It's like his planning and waiting for the right moment to strike."

"Than you should go back," she said. "I'm sure my mother has cool off by now."

Nich sighed. "Do you think it's a good idea for me to go back?"

"Yes," she said.

He smiled. "I'll think about it," he said. "Maybe I'll tag along with you for a bit if that is alright with you."

"Sure," she smiled. "Come on; I'm sure Alton won't mind."

Having Nich around will be a relief. Three men to keep her and Sky safe.


"No," Alton laid in bed with Sky sleeping on his chest. "I don't want Nich to come; I don't like him at all."

"Well, too bad," Skyla said. "Nich is coming, and after the wedding, he's going to reconcile with my mother."

Alton groaned. "Fine."

He didn't like Nich at all; he's an asshole. "I think, and this is just a thought, but I feel as if Nich is going to be Sky's protector."

"Over my dead body," Alton said.

"If it happens, so be it," she smiled. "Nich is a good man."

Alton scoff. "Whatever, still over my dead body will I let that man near our daughter. He can kiss my lycan ass."

Skyla smacked him. "Hey, be nice, I mean it, Alton."

Alton set Sky gently on the bed and stood. "I'll try to be nice, but I can't grantee anything. And I do not want to think about our daughter getting married. Its too soon for that; let's forget about that topic and talk about other things."

"Such as?" She gripped his arms.

"About what to get, Marla and Lyon," he said. "For their wedding gift, I mean, there isn't much to give."

"I'm sure what they want is us to be there," she kissed him. "That is all the gift they want."

"If you say so," he bit her bottom lip.

She gasped. "Hey, stop it, not now."

"When?" He asked.

"Later," she kissed him.

Alton can't wait to have her.





Miss SayaChan

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