10: Unbelievable

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Alton gripped the woman's thigh as he had her pin against the tree. Coming to this event was not so bad after all.

"Oh, wow," the woman smiled. "I have never done this before; it's so, wrong, yet it's exciting."

Alton groaned. "What you don't get enough excitement in your life?"

"No," she smiled. "My husband has become dull after three years of marriage. All my husband cares about is his work and never pays attention to me."

"Sucks for him," he thrusts up. "To have a beautiful wife like yourself and not give her attention is a waste. But I'm here now; I'll give it to you for a while."

She gasped and held tight on to him. "Oh, goodness."

After some time, Alton fixed his pants. "Thank you, gorgeous, for a great time."

"No," she smiled. "Thank you for this wild experience. I feel like I just opened in a new chapter in my life." She kissed him. "I should head our first; that way; your wife won't see us." She fixed herself and left.

Alton didn't get a chance to tell her that Skyla wasn't his wife. But she was long gone.

He leaned against the tree. "Here you are," Skyla glared. "What are you doing?" She smacked him.

"Keeping my distances," he said.

"Unbelievable, you're a liar," she smacked him again. "I saw the woman, why can't you keep it in your pants?"

"Because I can't," he said. "Hey, that woman came on to me; all I did was accept her advances."

"She's a married woman," she grabs his arm. "Let's go, and no more sneaking away."

"I can't grantee it," he grinned. "And why do you care?"

"Because I was invited here, not you," she said. "You'll end up making me look bad."

"You're starting to sound like them," he glared. "And I don't like it; our daughter will not grow up here surrounded by all this luxury because she doesn't need it. I won't let her be a spoiled brat."

"What are you going to do about it?" She frowned.

"If I have to," he gripped her chin. "I'll take Sky away from you."

"You wouldn't do that?" She stepped away. "You can't take Sky from me, and you crazy? Separating a child from her mother is the worst thing someone could do. It's inhuman."

"Than once Sky is a bit grown, we are leaving," he said. "If not, then you already know."

"You're a horrible man," she slapped him. "You should've had stayed where you were, far away, I regret everything. But not Sky; she's the only good thing that came out of this. Don't you dare try and take her from me."

He growled and gripped her wrists. "I regret everything too. And I mean everything, sleeping with you was a mistake." He pushed her away and left her there.

Arguing with Skyla won't get them anywhere. She doesn't want to fix things, and neither does he.

For the rest of the evening, Alton kept his distance once in a while; a few young girls looking for husbands would come up to him and flirt.

Alton helped Marla into the carriage, and Lyon handed Sky to her. "Time to go."

"Thank you," Skyla said. "For inviting me, I had fun. Your daughter is a proper lady."

"She tries," he chuckled. "Priscilla thinks I don't notice when she tries too hard. I rather she stopped that and be who she wants to be."

"Than talk to her," she said. "I feel as if you and Priscilla don't seem close."

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