25. Scenery That Creates You

Start from the beginning

"A beauty that hides the darkness behind the calm appearance, doesn't that suit him well?"

A sigh slithered past my lips as I grimaced rather sourly.


With the setting sun came the clouds of flame, the orange stretched far and wide before the twilight beckoning the stars in the velvety night. The reflection of the dusk let the land rest once more, and then the promise of the rising sun may come afterward.

"I see you make it alive, Asta."

I was just back from an errand, walking through the mansion front yard when an unfriendly comment captured my attention. I halted and saw a figure from afar, the one I recognized so well. Adjusting my focal point, exiting the Yerevan's mansion was Fillan Torrelei, my ex-boss, stepping closer to me.

That middle-aged man was wearing a maroon suit, seeming as healthy as the last time I saw him. The twenty-four carats gold and rare diamonds plated on his watch lingering around his wrist, swaying this way and that as he was holding a cigarette.

"It's been a while, Mr. Torrelei," I greeted him by his family name.

"Oh, already treating me like an outsider? You're really something, Asta," he snickered before continuing. "Could it be that the exceptional treatment of a Mafia boss makes you forget who you are?"

The raw tobacco-scented smoke permeated the air along with his talk. The smirk appeared to emphasize the slur as I locked my gaze with him whom I was working under for almost four years before I was thrown to Marvel. I stole a glance at the young man standing behind him, a new secretary as I could tell.

I undid my clenching hands and maintained a poker face.

"Please take care of your health. Well then, Sir."

I planned to end our encounter and leave, but Fillan seemed rather unsatisfied with my response, so he blocked my path.

"You said that not because you're genuinely worried about me, didn't you?" He was offended, but I didn't bother to relieve his wounds. "Either way, if you have the time to think of my health, worry about yours first. Each day has been rough, right?"

He smirked contemptuously and I frowned, scowling silently as he continued walking.

This bastard... After putting me into such a situation, I haven't forgiven him yet, but now he's laughing at me like he doesn't give a shit about what I've been through because of him!

From the very beginning, Fillan had been aware of the consequences of messing with the Mafia, so he used me as a shield to save his life.

"Though, I'm glad to see you're doing fine," Fillan halted right beside me and patted my shoulder. "Your current boss must have taken very good care of you, right, Asta?"

His tone carried something unusual and I felt like I shouldn't ignore it. I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or really meaning what he said, but he looked like he noticed something.

Is there a possibility that he told Marvel about my plans? I doubt he even knows about that, but... I wish I knew what he's doing here in Marvel's house and what they're talking about.

Under a feigned cool detachment, I bowed down to Fillan; playing secretary properly, as the car brought him away from my sight.

Just you watch... I've already gathered the pieces of evidence to catch you, Fillan Torrelei.

"You seem restless. Do you take your medication properly?"

A voice startled me. I immediately righted my position and looked for the source; Marvel was already standing behind me, his hands in the pocket, his posture comfortable.

Since when has he been here?!

"I got a notification that our clients have received the items," he let me know before even hearing my reaction to his previous question. "Thanks for your hard work."

I looked at him in an awkward stiffness, the tension from before was still there, making me unable to pronounce a word. He was watching me back, returning my silence with another one. I saw my reflection on his steel-blue eyes getting bigger when he reduced our distance.

"Get into the house. It's getting cold at night," he told, softly brushing my hair.

His hand slid down to my cheek and he caressed me there, the rustling noise of my hair strands in the gaps of his fingers playing in my ear, whispering some warmth among the coldness of his skin.

Surprised by the attention, I stood still as I didn't expect any of that, knowing his nature. When I was all ready for the upcoming event, a ruckus came approaching us from the mansion front door.

"You don't need to follow us. It's not something that will require your guard."

"I'm not following you. I'm going because I want to be with boss."

"Now that's another reason for you not to go."

I recognized Gilbert's voice, but the other person. Along with Marvel's hand slipping away from my cheek, our visions immediately turned at them.

"Gill, Tanaka," Marvel called and walked toward those two and I heard him well.

So, the other person was Tanaka Yone; one of the elite bodyguards of the Yerevan household. I had searched about him; a martial artist who is unsurprisingly so good at fighting that he doesn't need anything but his hands to torture or kill people.

I barely got the chance to talk with him, so I'm not yet sure what kind of person he is. I guess I'll just handle him later.

"More importantly, don't you have to discipline some dogs who are misbehaving lately?" Gilbert brought up the topic which Tanaka seemed unable to ignore.

Tanaka faced the dilemma of doing what Gilbert said which was true or what his heart told him which was also true. He turned to Marvel, from his eyes he was begging for a solution.

"For my sake, do what Gilbert said this time," Marvel smiled, asking Tanaka for understanding.

Without argument, Tanaka okayed. Gilbert sighed with relief while Marvel chuckled, finding it cute when the rebellious Tanaka could always obey him just like that.

I studied their demeanors. Marvel wasn't making any movement around Gilbert and Tanaka, his hands were kept inside the pocket during the conversation, not touching them here and there as he did with me. But, the intimacy between them was so clear. They had that kind of relationship where the trust was unquestionable and they looked very comfortable with each other in such a familiarity.

They gave out the vibe that was so easy to identify, and as I was watching them, it was only me, the one who was out of place.

I wonder what I was feeling. For a moment, I didn't like my position at all.

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