Chapter 10 the rain arrives

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So the next morning, Cielo felt anxious about going to school. He wasn't in the mood but knew had to. So a sigh came out his mouth. The same routine as ever was made, changing his clothes into the school uniforms, eating breakfast, and then walking with Izu-nii in school.

He hadn't expected when walking out of the door hearing happy chatter. It was way too early for this, and his mood wasn't the best, so he just shrugged it off and walking into the room. When he was in the place, his spirit lifted as his eyes lit up. Hayato and Izuku were talking about something enthusiastically. His lips turned into a soft smile, and he was happy that both got friends. It was rare seeing Izuku with others like he was with him.

Still, that hadn't changed that he had to go to school. At least he wasn't alone, this time his storm was with him, and Izuku as well. He just hoped that the bullies wouldn't get to him. A shiver ran through him, as his sky latched out at both people who were talking. With this they stopped talking, Izuku walking up to him, giving him like always a good morning hug. Also, Hayato walking up to him with a happy smile.

"Morning, Judaime."

His voice in a happy tone, smiling at him back.

"Morning to both of you."

Izuku let go of Cielo and hummed happily.

"Like the old times isn't it so Judaime?"

"Yeah, I can't believe that we have to go to school again."

That made both laughs; it felt so nostalgic. This time they were much younger. At least he felt now better than before. Let's get this over with, with this thought. They ate breakfast, then Cielo got a kiss on his cheek from his mother figure a hug as well. The next was the father. He gave him a ruffle through his and his best friend hair, after that all three said their goodbye, and now they walked to their school. Like always the two held hands, Izuku and Cielo.

As nearing the school, his expression changed how it usually was in school, calm and recollected. The change was regular for him and his best friend but not for the storm. The person wondered why his sky was doing this?

"Don't worry, he is always like this, and I am too. We don't want to show them that we feel hurt by their words. You can see it more like a protection mechanism."

"I see, don't worry, I will protect both of you."

Cielo glanced at him and gave a thankful look.

"Oh, and Hayato please call me Cielo."

"Fine, Cielo-sama."

Cielo knew he couldn't stop the latter from putting a sama behind so he let it be. However, he got worried about what others would think of this. Oh, well they won't get away with this at this time he would never be alone. His HI was comming back again. Something would be happening nothing terrible, something good. His eyes had an excited glimmer, and both noticed this giving a questioning look.


Was all Cielo said, both had known that something would be happening, they knew both prepared for whatever it was. Both were unsure what it was but, it was probably something good, why else would Cielo have that excited glimmer in his eyes?

"Oh, look at the quirkless duo."

"Heh, they are useless, why don't they just disappear."

This time it was worse than usual for, Cielo. His expression wasn't changing, but his eyes flashed hurt for a second. Izuku grip tightens, as he was hurt as well but not showing it. The green haired boy still had a small smile on his lips.

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