Start from the beginning

Then I heard something! There was movement in the woods around me! My senses got blocked because it was too occupied with his scent so I didn't smell anyone until I heard it, the slow walks. I held my breath.

Adrenaline raced through me as about ten more men spread out behind him. Then I realized that he was a Hunter. Shit!

A man behind him spoke in a sickening tone, "Whoa, Dylan, you got to be kidding me. You stripped down a lady."

So Dylan was his name.

I shot back, "Well, you came with so few. I'm afraid you have to triple your task force of men to collect one young girl."

My wolf snorted. I could be their great granny if only they knew how old I really was but they didn't have to know that. They could suck my toes for all I care.

Except for Dylan ofcourse. He could suck something else. "Shit!" I mumbled to myself. "This isn't the right time for you to be an horndog, Candice."

"I believe that she's one crazy shewolf," another man breathed in amusement.

Suddenly, Dylan's features changed. His expression smoothen with an incredible amount of affection. He shook his head and without warning he spun into the air, and twisted his body to face his companions. He hissed, "Father, she is alone and just a young girl. We should just let her go."

He must have also felt the pull.

Their eyes widened in surprise and then an old man, I was convinced that he was Dylan's father, scoffed furiously, "Dylan this is most definitely not the time for your saviour complex bullshit to show up. She is a werewolf. Her kind killed your mom and your little sister! So get your act together and let us kill her!"

My heart swelled with awe for this man. His words provided my inside comfort that I longed for many years in my existence.

My stomach lurched in a knot as my blood turned to ice water as pain foreboding settling over me.

I was ready to launch myself over them when suddenly I groaned lulling my head to the side as my wound was getting worse. I dropped to my knees, my breaths were labored and ragged. I have waited enough for my wound to heal. My thoughts were in turmoil as the seconds went by. Alarmed filled me.

Then it hit me. The arrow was poisonous.

I flinched, "Fuck, Dylan!"

He watched me intently and there was something in his eyes. He couldn't bring himself to centralize his thoughts. I was certain that he had felt what I felt when our eyes met for the first time.

His father barked out an order, his voice reverberating in the darkness. "You are clear to engage." His right hand in the air with his two fingers standing straight signalling to attack. Suddenly, I felt the urge to chop off his hands.

"Get Dylan out of our way," he added. He spoke through clenched teeth.

Before they could even neared me, a huge blow from the air crashed over them, making them to land hard.

Without a second to consider, I shot across the large tree and launched myself to Dylan, my arms outstretched to grab him.

He was on his back but I caught his head on time before it would hit a rock. I coughed to catch my breath. The pain from my chest churning painfully. I spoke softly, trying to hide how much physical pain I was in, but the rasp and break in my voice gave me away. "Oh dear brother, you made such a grand entrance."

Brother and Feigh stared at us in horror. Feigh darted forward as soon as my brother released her. She was frantic, "Oh my, God, Candice! What have you done, Dylan?"

Both brother and I were shocked. She knew Dylan. She knew these Hunters.

She removed her cloak and wrapped it around my body and my brother dropped to his knees by my side. He quickly tore open his wrist and pressed it against my mouth and demanded, "Swallow!"

When I was getting healed, I stopped drinking and lay. Luckily, I was getting better. My breathing wasn't shallow and raspy anymore.

Unbridled rage shot through my brother and he disappeared, exploding into motion, fully focused on how to kill them. Before he could accomplish in extracting a Hunter's heart, Feigh screamed, "Noooo!"

Draze spun around to look at her as he breathed, "What do you mean by that?"

"They are Dylan's family. Please let's settle this square and fair. Please, I can't let Dylan lose another family member of his!" Feigh begged.

A man who has a sickening tone charged towards us to attack but my brother was too fast and alert, his body moving like an animal, smoothly powerful and deadly. He lurched and grabbed the man by his neck. My brother was considering Feigh's words. When he spun around and saw Feigh's tears threatening to stream down her face, my brother released him and he gasped for air.

Feigh breathe a sigh of relief and inhaled sharply and eyes narrowed to the fucker. "Shit! Deaton, are you kidding me? I am trying to save your sorry-ass and all you have to do was use your fucking head and stay the fucking still. Do you think you have an equal strength with the Vampire King?" Feigh screeched mockingly.

Fernando, Dylan's father widened his eyes and whispered, "Fuck! We have a Vampire in play. A King on top of that. Of all the shit we least expect to run to!" Abruptly, he ordered, "Fall back!"

Dylan has stood to his feet in astonished disbelief. He cursed, "Fuck! Feigh, what are you doing here? How do you know these creatures?"

Draze stared at her in astonishment, realizing these people has a special place in her heart. He didn't question her. Instead brother scooped me in his arms. I felt my eyelids starting to shut as I nestled in his arms.

Unmistakable power radiated out of him, he growled a command into the air, "A force to pull the living to walk through the door."

Draze demanded, "Feigh, you go first."

Without thinking twice, Feigh walked through the portal then brother and I stepped in too.

The portal shined brightly and gave out a force to pull the Hunters inside.

We were now standing at the entrance gate of the estate.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now