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"What do you mean about earlier when you were talking with Kol? What was that again, scent and tears?"

I was somehow caught off guard at her question. I looked down at her eyes, the look of confusion on her face was very evident. She could be very perceptive sometimes, so hiding it from her wasn't an option.

Even though I do not want her to feel that there's something wrong with her. Given the fact that we don't have any knowledge about her... Scent of her tears, I couldn't take the risk to let her know. It's better if she doesn't have any idea about it. But alas, I don't feel it was necessary to hide anything from her. I didn't like it, I don't want her being subjected away from the truth, from what she really deserved. And she deserved to know the truth. From fucking now on.

But if someone caught the scent and find out it's from her, it is absolute, she'll be hunted. Having a mortal bloodline scent was already declared dangerous by the Dragon King and considered a threat in the primal chaos, many decades ago. I won't let something like that happen to her. I'll protect her with my life.

After another moment. I walked her through the story, my voice was calm, as though I was narrating a book. With every word I spoke and every revelation I shared, there's a second that her heart rate increased, she fidgeted and avoided my eyes. I knew she was mad at me for keeping it from her. I explained the high potential of many possible dangers she could face, she couldn't control the hard cringe.

When I finished, she stared at me for a long time, weighing my words, the expression in her eyes seemed to understands my reasoning. She had recognized the truth and finally nodded silently.

She opened her mouth to speak but none came out. I murmured softly, "What's wrong?"

"I'm hungry! I want to eat some large meat." She blurted out, unable to even edit the sentence before spewing it out. I smirked and gave her a conspiratorial whisper, "Indeed. I am too. However, mine's preference is, fluffy two round pancakes and a lump of juicy tender meat."

She raised her eyebrows, "You eat pancakes with meat?"

Laughter rumbled through my chest. She was too innocent. Damn!

A sudden knock from the door made me snapped into a standing position, in an instant, I was in front of the door and grumbled, "Who?" The person wasn't carrying Kol and Candice's scent.

"Your Highness, I was asked to let you know, that the breakfast at the Royal Dining Hall is already ready, and the Prince has arrived. The Royal Highnesses are inviting you to come and join them, if it is okay for you, Your Highness."

"Of course. I'll be there in a minute." I said without opening the door.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Candice, "Yes, brother?"

"In our room. Now!" I hanged up the phone and decided to make a quick work of locating a formal attire. Feigh was watching me intently, her eyes traveled down my bare chest, past my abs and down to the 'V' at my hips. My lips curled up, as she analyzed my movement. Her eyes found mine and she abruptly tore her eyes away from me.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Wanna have around three?" She stared at me wide-eyes, liquid heat roared through her body, she may be thinking no one can smell her now, well she was wrong. Little did they know, I can mask a scent but it wouldn't able to mask it away completely from me.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now