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Draze body vibrating in fury, his eyes bleeding crimson. I saw Constantine's eyes widened for a second as if he was surprised to see an unusual behavior from Draze. Shit! This wasn't going to be a productive confrontation. Draze slunk lower and took a careful step to the side, a lethal gaze trained on Constantine. He held his hands up and said, "Draze, I think you're not thinking right."

"She's mine. I'm going to fucking kill whoever touches her." Draze growled. There was no mistaking his deadly tone.

Without hesitation, I darted forward and hugged him tightly to calm him. "Please, Draze, don't do this. He was just comforting me. You know I couldn't have anything more to it with him."

His arms banded around me and spoke roughly, "I didn't like it."

I nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, it won't happen again. I promise you. Just please, don't do this,"

His pupils were still dilated, stormy dark eyes.

After a moment, his expression calmed. "Get the fuck out, Constantine!"

Constantine just narrowed his eyes, he locked his eyes with mine and I begged him to just let it go and go with my eyes.

"Remember my words, if you need my help, find me," he said. Fuck!

And before Draze could fathom some murderous feedback, Constantine disappeared.

I felt Draze's hands curling into a fist. I held onto him tightly. Tension rolled through his large muscular frame as he fought to go after Constantine. I nuzzled my head into his neck and whisper another plea, "Please... don't," my maneuver caught him off guard. He froze and looked down at me. A muscle twitching his jaw as he pulled me close tighter that I felt my spine would break but I didn't say anything and just cling onto him, he strode angrily back to his suite. We passed some familiar common areas and there were several vampires hanging out. It was clear our presence caused quite a commotion because they all fell silent as we passed by.

We reached his bedroom. He dropped me on the bed, a little ungracefully, before turning to face the room, still furious. He pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes on the ceiling before looking back at me. Disbelief colored his tone, "I think I had instructed you to stay here while I'm gone."

"I'm sorry, I was just looking for Lilli,"

"Why?" his roar scared the hell out of me. He turned around to face away from me. His body vibrating with anger. Veins bulged in his muscles.

"Because she isn't back yet, and I was hungry,"

He glanced at me. I gulped.

Still furious as he said, his voice a deadly whisper, "Do you even realized you could cause a war by letting other vampire touch you?"

"I told you... he was just comforting me," my voice was deep with conviction.

His hands balled into fists, the pressure causing his knuckles to crack. A low sustained growl echoed through his chest, he seemed to be trying so hard to control the overwhelming urge to kill someone. The veins in his arms and neck making an appearance under the pressure of straining muscles they begged for release. His tone reverberated with feral intensity, "Did you really believe that? What he really wants to do to you was comfort?"

"Yes," my voice hardly audible.

Instantly, his eyes were stormy with violence and danger as his fangs released. "Really? And was it so dreadful for you to follow my orders?" Clearly not wanting any reply from me, he fumed, "Never ever talk to any other vampire, especially the Bloodline Vampires, if you want to stay alive. And mostly, listen to my instruction, when I told you to stay here. You stay here!!" his roar was deafening.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now