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After eating almost all of the food Lilli brought for me, I emerged from the large closet that Draze installed for me a week ago. I made my way through the main living areas where according to Lilli, Draze was having his meal.

"My Lady, the King might not be pleased if you interrupt his mealtime." and then hearing her own words, her eyes widened and she gasped, "I didn't mean... I wasn't trying to..." I smiled and cooed. "It's fine. But seriously, how much trouble could I get into by watching him drinking from a human. I'm bigger than that, Lilli. I already accepted his world. Of course, he needs to eat."

But across the room, as we reached the living area, I saw Draze sitting reclined on the grand couch, with a scantily clad female nestled in his lap. His large arms wrapped around her back while the female opening wide her neck at the preferred angle. A loud panting could be heard from the female. I wasn't sure if her struggle to breathe was related to the way how Draze sucked in a hard pull or the fact that she was intimately close to the King.

And then she started humping his thigh. No doubt rubbing herself against him. Draze roughly grabbed her waist to keep her in place. I was confused at her demeanor, she couldn't help squirming in his lap as she let out a whimper. But I could see that she was trying to control herself self and the tips of her knuckles were white as she clenched her hands even tighter.

What the fuck?!

I hadn't realized I was walking slow and cautious towards their direction.

Draze's gaze met mine and he jumped to his feet. I was still shocked at the scene, I couldn't fathom a word and before I could, the door swung open, Kol and Candice came into view. Kol breathed, "Fuck!"

My eyes snapping wildly to him. I snapped, "What the fuck is happening here?" I turned my eyes to Draze, "Draze?"

He cursed loudly and commanded to the female, "Shit! Get the fuck out." She immediately slipped out.

Draze gathered me into his arms, holding me tight into his chest. He explained, "I cannot feed without affecting them in such a manner."

My lips were parted and my eyebrows mashed, "What do you mean? What I saw—"

"It's one of my gifts and I couldn't control it, when I fed, I was also giving arousal into her body, pushing it like drug through her system. But I swear I have not touched her. It's only you, I wanted to touch."

He suddenly looked uncomfortable, Kol and Candice who had not managed to become emotionally stunted seemed to find the wall more interesting to stare at. Draze added sheepishly, "I can't believe I just said that."

"You sound like the biggest pussy, brother." Candice sneered. Kol snickered.

A low sustained growl echoed through his chest. I forced my brain to concentrate on the subject. "So, you mean, every time you fed on human, you gave them pleasure?"

His jaw clenched, "Yes."

"It is perfectly clear, that you have no desire to feed on male humans."

His voice deep, "Of course, I don't like feeding from men and giving them arousal."

Goosebumps raised along my arms. I gritted my teeth. I tried to yank away from him but he tightened his arms around my waist. He sank back down into the couch, pulling me down with him nestled tightly in his lap. His touch sent shivers up and down my spine.

"I didn't like it," I mumbled.

"I didn't like it too. But I couldn't do anything about it." Draze nuzzled into my neck.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz