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After several hours of resting without falling asleep, I decided to go home. Or else Nana would send a hundred or so bodyguards into town to hunt for me.

A 25-minute drive to the mansion was finally over as I reached my not-so-intended destination. I ringed the gate bell and a guard came into view. When he finally looked at me, he bowed deeply and said, "Miss Sreene we've been looking for you for an entire night and day. Where have you been? Uhh — If you don't mind me asking. Your nana is worried sick."

"Actually, I do mind." I waved my hand lightly. "Tell her I'm here and I wanted to talk to her," I said while walking down the long aisle way that led to the front door.

"Immediately, Miss," and he ran off as if his life depended on it.

I strode into my own chamber and took a shower. As I emerged from the large bathroom, I saw Nana already standing, facing the large window. She clearly heard my approaching light footsteps, as she immediately came to face me. Her voice fought the grumble that begged for release from her throat. I smirked at her tenacity. "Miss Feigh, where have you been all night? Don't you know you were missing for—"

I waved my free hand in her direction as a signal that I do know what she's trying to say and I don't feel like explaining, "Yeah, yeah. One night and two days."

"Indeed. And we can't reach—"

"My phone? Yep." Popping the 'p sound. —"I turned it off because I'm so tired of being in this prison of a mansion. The reason I called for your presence is, I'll be the one to ask questions here. And I need you to be honest," I hesitated but continued anyway, "I want you to tell me about my adopted parents and about Felena." I sure as hell wasn't quite certain that she had knowledge about Felena. But I want to test her reaction, to see if Felena really existed.

Right now, that's what really matters.

It shocked to see her startled by my abrupt question. Her spine went rigid. Tension ran through her body. So it was true. Hope wound through me.

She muttered, shaking her head. "I apologize, Miss Sreene, but I do not know anything about the woman Felena and as for your adopted parents, I don't have any idea where they are, I was only hired to take care of you." Unsurprisingly, I knew she would say that, however, "How'd you know Felena is a woman?" of course, Felena was a girl's name but she didn't need to know that.

Her fingers twitched and her body tensed. Her body tried to remain ramrod stiff.

I smirked.

She probably thought I was stupid. Nonetheless, I didn't argue with that. "— it's fine, you can go. I will find that out myself, Nana. So far, I always do."

Her beautiful light gray hair obstructed her face or did she do that intentionally? To hide her shaken eyes. She looks as if she was terrified of someone.

She bowed and excused herself. I didn't acknowledge her departure. I just ignored her as she slipped out of my room.

Wherever the hell my lineage comes from, I know it will come to bright light soon, very soon. I felt it. For there is nothing is put out of view which will not be made clear, and nothing is secret of which the knowledge will not come to light. Amen.

Okay, that's what Luke 8:17(BBE) says in the bible. I do not have any motto in life, I've had a hard time even memorizing the mission-vision of the University I attended for five years. I just knew of that one because every time I asked Nana why would my adopted parents wouldn't let me meet them, that's all that she has to say, always. Like for a hundred times already.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now