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I saw King Constantine sitting comfortably, relaxed and bored at the scene in front of him. King Lucius, however, was twitching with palpable tension.

"Dionard, wire the money." Draze deep baritone voice carried through the room, I almost jumped. The power of his voice still scared the hell out of me. Finally the Alliance Meeting were about to end.

King Alexus waved his hand in the air and said, "By all means, I'll leave first."

King Constantine didn't leave his eyes on me. "Actually I have something to offer you," he turned his gaze to King Lucius that went tight and rigid. But recovered immediately and huffed.

He continued, "King Lucius owes me $100 million in the past year, I have his primary source of income as collateral. His due is actually today. If he didn't able to pay now, the primary source of his Kingdom will be mine from today on."

"Has the source increased production?" I asked. Suddenly King Alexus stopped and turned around, he rose an eyebrow. His features was obviously got interested the moment that words came out of my mouth.

"Why are you asking about other Kingdom's source of income? Would you just mind your own fucking business—" King Lucius was cut off with Draze's warning growl rumbled from his chest. "Do not interrupt her."

I arched my eyebrows and King Constantine nodded and explained, "to an extent, yes. However, the $100 million wasn't near enough to be reached in a year."

He turned to face King Lucius, "King Lucius, are you in track to pay back the $100 million you owe me, today?"

"I am, however. I still need a few more days to absolve the remaining balance of $20 million. I already have $80 million ready to be wire now." King Lucius stated firmly.

"No need. Our negotiation says that I can fully have your primary source of income if you do not meet that goal, which is today." King Constantine turned his attention to me and smiled.

"But if you hand over our primary source of income, we will going to lose one-third of my Kingdom's property. I promised to pay you the remaining balance. Just... name the prize. I would accept any increase percentage of the said balance." King Lucius argued desperately.

King Constantine didn't acknowledge him. "Does anyone want to pay me a $100 million for King Lucius' primary source of income, the one-third of his Kingdom. I wouldn't ask for more than the money I loaned. Nevertheless, I also got accomplished some of his equipment for the past 12 months from his property."

"I want the property," I spoke formally.

Sabrina interjected. "King Iandraze didn't agree to any of your nonsense. You should ask for his permission first."

"I don't think we can still produce even half of the said amount," Kol interjected with her urgently.

"I didn't say, I'm going to use the Kingdom's money. I want to have his primary source of income myself." I said firmly.

King Lucius and Queen Brilliana scoffed. "How could you possibly do that? A mere mortal—" They stared at me as if I have sprouted an extra head.

"Can I borrow a laptop, Kol." I didn't let Brilliana continue her sentence.

Kol handed me a laptop and I looked intently at King Constantine. "Can you ready the transferee paper of the property and gave me the account number that you would like the money wired to?"

"The money should be in full payment. I forbid you, King Constantine, to hand over my property if not being paid fully because you had refused that on me." King Lucius argued.

Reign | Dark #1 (18+)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum