My Daughter (Damian Wayne)

Start from the beginning

Slamming him to the wall causes a booming sound to fill the silent room. "Dad! Don't hurt Damian!" I yell, jumping to my feet.

"Sit your ass back down missy! I'll do what the hell ever I want to Damian!" He orders me, still holding my boyfriend against the wall.

"Dad!" I start, but Damian cuts me off.

"Sit down Y/N, this is between Dick and me." Damian tells me calmly.

Trying to pull my father off of Damian, I fight him on it. "No, it's not! It's between Dad, you and me! Let's be civil and talk this out!" I say, trying to hit a string with them.

Luckily, it works. Reluctantly, Father drops Damian to his feet. They both glare at each other as Dami drags me back to the couch. Snuggling back up with me, Dad sits back down in his chair. "How long?" Dad asks calmly.

Rubbing his hands on my stomach, Damian answers. "About ten months." He says before kissing my neck. Biting my tongue, I mange to keep my moan in.

Rubbing his hands over his face, Dad lets out a small sigh. "Is this your guy's first time?" He questions, looking at us with anger and confusion.

Looking at each other, I answer. "Umm.... it's only the second time we've actually done it. We've never really had time to do the whole thing so it has only been oral for the most part." I answer truthfully.

His eyes widen as he looks between the two of us. "When..... when was the first time?" He questions us.

Smirking, Damian's eyes sparkle with mischief. "You're birthday party two months ago." Rage fixes itself in Dad's eyes as he glares at us. "We got bored so we went up stairs to hang out and one thing lead to another and ya." Damian continues, placing a kiss to my temple again as his hands slip farther up my body.

Pushing away from him, he obeys and slides his hands back down. Carefully he rests them on my waist. "It's good to see you at least do things on Y/N's terms." Dad mumbles, rubbing his hands over his face again. "Does anyone know?" He questions, his eyes calming down just to be filled with anger again.

"Umm...." I say nervously. "BruceandAlfredknowbutnooneelsedoestomyknowlefgeotherthenyouofcoursepleasedontkillme!" I say without taking a breath.

Dad raises his eyebrows at me and Damian sighs. "She said, Father and Pennyworth know but no one else to our knowledge, other then you of course. Oh, and she asked you to kindly not kill her." Damian decodes for my father.

Smiling, Dad answers back. "Oh are Alfred and Bruce in for a rude awaking and I won't kill you princess!" He promises me, causing me to sigh out in relief. "Damian on the other hand, should probably fake his death and go off the grid." He adds on, making me regret my sigh.

Getting up, Dad walks out of the room. Once he's gone, Damian smiles at me. "That went better then I thought it would." He tells me, kissing my lips afterwards.

Happily, I kiss him back. "You're an asshole." I tell him once we pull apart.

Something drops, causing us to snap our heads towards the sound. In the door way stands Tim and Jason. "When.... why.... what?!" Jason yells looking between the two of us.

"Ah! Perfect timing boys! You can join us!" Dad says, pushing Alfred and Bruce in the room too. "Sit, Sit! Everyone sit down!" He says cheerfully. Fear envelopes me as Dad continues acting strange.

He quickly sits back in his chair and motions for everyone else to sit down too. Bruce and Alfred send us worried looks as the boys look surprised. "So!" Dad yells, clapping his hands together. "Apparently, Y/N and Damian are dating and have been for the past ten months!"

He lets that soak in for a minute before continuing. "Also, Bruce and Alfred are aware of this and didn't find it important enough to tell me!" Sending a glare their way, they glare back. "Tell me, did you also know they've been sleeping around with each other for the past two months?"

To that, Bruce rests a soft smile on his face as Alfred nods. "Of course I know." Bruce answers, causing Dad to jump to his feet and flip the chair as he moves.

"You know and you didn't do anything to stop it?!" Dad screams, making me shrink into Damian. Glancing towards Jason and Tim, they slowly get up and shuffle out of the room.

Lucky basters! I think to myself. "Of course not." Bruce says, dragging me out of my thoughts. "Why would I? They're very responsible children. Not to mention I let you sleep around as long as you were responsible too." My eyes widen as I look between Bruce and Dad, speechless.

"That.... that's different!" Dad yells, throwing his hands in the air.

Shaking his head, Alfred answers back. "I don't see how this is any different Master Dick."

"It's.... it's different! He's sleeping with my daughter!" He screeches in rage.

"So? I let you sleep with Zatara's daughter!" Bruce bites back, barely raising his voice. Once he's calmed down, he speaks again. "Yes, I agree that you should have known about their relationship, but I agree with them not telling you too because I know you'd act like this. So, I took the job of keeping an eye on their relationship. Of course, with the help of Alfred too."

"I.... okay...." Dad says, a little confused and disoriented.

"Dad?" I ask in a shaky voice. His eyes snap towards me. They soften as he sends me a soft smile. "Can Damian and me still date?" I ask quietly.

He's silent for a minute before he answers me. "I suppose so.... but you better keep your hands off my daughter!" He says, narrowing his eyes at Damian.

"Whatever you say, Greyson." Damian says, standing up and dragging me with him. "Now that you're down yelling at us, we'll give you time to yell at Father and Pennyworth." He states, walking out the door with me behind him.

Quickly, we climb up the stairs, towards Damian's room. Opening the door, he leads me inside before quickly closing it. Turning around, he pins me to the door and kisses me.

His hands are gently placed on my waist, under the shirt. My arms instantly wrap around his neck. Pulling away from me, he leads open mouth kisses down my jaw to my neck. Throwing my head back, I bite my lip to keep moans in.

As Damian attacks my neck, he slips his hands up my body to my boobs. His hands cup and squeeze them, making it harder to keep quiet. "Damian" I whisper out, causing him to quiver in his actions.

Once he gets to my collar bone, he pulls away. "We probably shouldn't rock the boat, Beloved." He tells me, not moving his hands away from my chest.

Picking my head back up, I send him the stink eye. "Oh, now you don't want to rock the boat!" I say sarcastically.

Damian answer by lift my shirt up and sucking on my bud. My hands slid down his back with my nails digging into his flesh. Again, he pulls away but this time with a smirk. "Not now, but we should either be in separate rooms or leave the door open before Greyson loses another screw." Damian states, picking me up and placing me on the bed.

Once he's done with that, he swings his door open. "How about we watch a movie?" I ask him, getting comfy on his messed up bed.

"I'm okay with that." He states, walking over to the movie shelf. Quickly choosing a movie, he gets everything set up for us. Coming over to the bed, he pulls me next to him under the covers. "Beloved" He whispers in my ear "I'm only going to make it seem like we're watching a movie." He states, slipping his fingers down my panties.

Oh dear lord! How the hell am I going to get throw this?!  I think to myself, clingy to Damian's arm and trying to keep my breathing steady....

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