Chapter Seventy-Eight

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"Anyone up for some Quidditch?" said James, trying to lighten up the mood

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"Anyone up for some Quidditch?" said James, trying to lighten up the mood.

"James, we just had practice yesterday," said Sirius, exasperated.

"So? This is our last year at Hogwarts, Padfoot. I want to win that Cup!"

"Prongs, we've won it ever since we joined the team in our second year. After all, who could beat a team with Potter and Black in it?"

Y/N laughed, as did James. Sirius was always one to cheer up everyone and brighten gloomy moods.

"Hey, Moony," said Sirius, his voice lower, "when's the full moon?"

"It was last week, Sirius," said Remus, looking at his friend critically.

"Oh, I was afraid you'd say that. I'm so bored."

"Well, don't go hexing Snape, now, or Y/N would have a fit like last time."

"Who cares? I want to hex Snivelly, Prongs. You coming?"

"No, Padfoot, I think I'll stay here."

"Aww...c'mon, Prongs, be a sport! You said you were bored, too."

"I know, but that's no reason to hex Snivellus just because we're bored."

"That's right," encouraged Y/N, nodding her head, "listen to James, Sirius. Or rather, Padfoot." She grinned wickedly.

"Actually, I don't think it's a good idea," said Sirius hastily, noticing Y/N's look. "Up for a game of chess, Bellsies?"

"Wow, you are evil, n/n," said James, impressed. "I've never seen Sirius so frightened in his life."

"Yes, I am, aren't I?" Y/N smiled and leaned against James.

"You know, you've really loosened up throughout these past years."

"Really?" She straightened herself up. "Explain, please."

"I mean, you used to be such a bossy, know-it-all in our first year." He grinned and ducked a swat that was aimed at him. "You were just like that Hermione."

"For your information, Hermione is a very nice girl and very sensible, unlike that son of yours..."

"He's yours, too."

"Unfortunately. I can see that he has his father's knack of getting into trouble too often."

"Damn straight!"

"James Potter, how many times have I told you to refrain from using such crude language? Swearing does not benefit you in any way."

"Y/N, you shouldn't be worrying about crude language, when Voldemort is taking over. We have to put aside those paltry things that we used to worry about and focus on the more important things."

"Yes." Y/N looked away, feeling ashamed of herself. "Yes, you're right, of course."

James sighed and looked out of the window, where the grounds were still covered with a thin layer of snow. He was extremely worried about Voldemort's reign of power. He was slowly gathering more followers each day, and he knew that nearly half of them were Sirius' relatives, who've always supported Voldemort's ideas about purebloods taking over. And his parents, who were one of the most elite Aurors in the Ministry, were nearly working overtime each day. They've written very few letters to him recently, and James didn't blame them one bit, for he knew that they were too busy investigating Voldemort's victims and where he would strike next.

ITS A HATE LOVE THING | JAMES POTTER X READERWhere stories live. Discover now