Chapter Fifty-Six

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"I do think that people should've at least known that our O

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"I do think that people should've at least known that our O.W.L.s were near," commented Y/N, staring as a hysterical Frieda Lawrence was carried off to the Hospital Wing on an invisible stretcher, guided by a sulking Mark Goldstein.

Remus smiled. "Well, you know, Y/N, you're the one who's actually been studying for the O.W.L.s."

"And you haven't?"

"Er—well, don't tell Jenny that I have," he pleaded.

"All right, everyone, I guess this is the end of our meeting," said Teresa loudly. "I'm afraid, without our Ravenclaw prefects, that we can't accomplish anything. You are dismissed."

"That was such a waste of time," muttered Y/N, as they exited the Prefect's Lounge. "We didn't accomplish a single bloody thing! I mean, what's there to be afraid of for the O.W.L.s? She could've studied! But, oh, they're drawing so near!"

"We have to memorize so many facts and spells and—oh, Merlin, my head's bursting just thinking about those bloody O.W.L.s," said Remus despairingly.

"Did someone mention O.W.L.s?" said Frank, one of the sixth year prefects, leaning curiously at the Gryffindor prefects. "Oh, I remember last year when we had to take it..." He groaned.

"It wasn't that bad, Frankie," argued Alice. "All right, History of Magic was a complete failure, but the rest were all right, I suppose."

"I failed Divination," informed Frank, nodding at Y/N and Remus. "I couldn't see a single bloody thing in that stupid crystal ball, so I made stuff up. Trelawney definitely wasn't convinced. I got a 'D' in it when my O.W.L. results came."

"You see, this is why I didn't take Divination. I took Arithmancy instead, and it turned out to be a very good choice, if I do say so myself." Alice drew herself up in dignity.

Y/N still didn't look very convinced, and she chewed her nails in worry. Alice saw this immediately and took charge by grabbing Y/N's hands away from her mouth.

" Y/N L/N, what do you think you are doing?"

"Oh, Alice, I can't help it! I always chew my nails when I'm nervous."

Remus gave an odd bark-like laugh that was very similar to Sirius'. "Y/N, you've gotten mostly O's and a few E's on your homework this year, and you're still worried? You'll do fine!"

"The worst of it is, Potter and Sirius never study, and they still do just as well!" she continued, rambling furiously.

"It is aggravating," admitted Alice. "I do know exactly how you feel. You see, Frank here has always gotten exceptional grades, and he doesn't even look at a textbook! How he got to be a prefect when McGonagall could've chosen Sturges Diggle from his dorm is beyond me—"

"Hey! For your information, I'm much smarter than Diggle, and I'm prettier."

Y/N and Alice giggled, while Remus and Frank shared looks that clearly said, "We men will never understand women."

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