Chapter Thirty-Eight

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It was a normal day in the Gryffindor common room

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It was a normal day in the Gryffindor common room. Or, at least normal for most people...except for the girls and the Marauders. They were busy with their own thoughts that Professor McGonagall's stack of homework was laid forgotten, even by Y/N. In fact, the two people most absorbed in their thoughts were Y/N and James.

I just don't get it, she thought, as she looked over at James. Why do I keep thinking about James? Is this – love?"

Arabella was falling asleep on her Potions homework and glanced at her best friend. "Hey, N/n! You all right? You look tired."

Y/N glanced sideways at her. "Oh, I'm fine. Just a bit overwhelmed with McGonagall's homework, that's all."

Bella shook her head. She knew that Y/N was easily lying, for she never really had trouble on any type of homework, even Transfiguration, her worst subject. So she tried another attempt to start a conversation again.

"So, what's with you and James?"

Y/N turned to look at her sharply. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you guys don't argue as much as before. And you're even nice to each other sometimes. That's not something we usually see every day."

"We made a truce to be civil to each other, remember?" Y/N grinned. "It's working. The whole school's in a shock."

"Well, obviously. Even Dumbledore's a bit shocked, and he knows almost everything that goes on in this school."

"Well, that's great, Bella, but there's nothing 'with' James and I. We're civil to each that so surprising?"

"For one thing, n/n, it is sort of unsettling not to hear you and James' voices on full volume in Gryffindor Tower every day."

Y/N laughed. "Oh, it's become that much of a routine, has it?"

Bella grinned back. "Oh, more than you'll ever know, n/n. Why don't you guys just kiss and, well, get married after Hogwarts, have Harry, and hopefully don't get the worst from life."

Y/N raised her eyebrows. "Bella, you already know that James and I are going to die. It's nice, isn't it? You're fourteen years old and you know that you marry your arch nemesis, have a kid, and then die."

Her best friend rolled her eyes. "The one thing you need to change, n/n, is your sarcasm. It's way too—you."

"That's what makes it special, isn't it?"

Meanwhile, James was absorbed in his thoughts as well and didn't even bother to listen to Sirius' lecture on their Animagi potion.

"Hello, earth to James!" shouted Sirius, nearly awakening half the common room, who were asleep on their textbooks and parchment.

"Huh?" James jumped. "Gee, what was that about, Sirius? Why'd you have to interrupt me?"

"Interrupt you from what?" Sirius grinned wildly. "Did you have a fantasy about Y/N?"

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