Chapter Fifty-Four

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Y/N sighed, staring at the situation in front of them

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Y/N sighed, staring at the situation in front of them. James and Snape were glaring menacingly at each other, looking like they were wishing the other nothing but ill will. Snape had hexed James while he was heading for the school grounds, and now the two prats were dueling. Or, at least hexing each other until a teacher was in sight.




"Petrificus Totalus!"

James' whole body stood stiff as a board and fell onto the ground with a painful crash. Many of the bystanders gasped, and some of the girls started to whimper and cry. They obviously belonged to the James Potter Fan Club.

"Git," muttered Sirius, clenching his knuckles. He quickly went next to James and took his wand out, about to say the counter-curse, but a shriek from the end of the corridor stopped him.

McGonagall was shaking with fury as she glared at the students crowding around the stiff body of James Potter.

"Who—did—this?" she managed to say.

Everyone looked at each other and than pointed accusing fingers at Snape, who was now completely white.

"Mr. Snape, what is the meaning of this?"

"Potter hexed me, Professor, so I returned the favor—"

"No, he didn't, Professor McGonagall!" cried Kevin Sharpe. "Snape hexed Potter first; I saw it myself."

"I see." McGonagall's lips thinned as she glared at everyone in sight. "Well, I suppose you're not lying, Sharpe, since you are the Head Boy, but I do assure you, Mr. Snape, Mr. Potter"—she looked at the two boys—"you will be sent straight to the Headmaster if this ever happens again. Black, put Potter to order again. Good day to you all."

Sirius hurried to James and muttered the counter-curse. James quickly scrambled to his feet and stood up right in front of Snape.

"We'll continue this later, Snivellus," he muttered.

"Do you see, Potter?" nagged Y/N, as they headed to the school grounds for a bit of air. "Hexing Snape only causes more trouble; why don't you guys just leave each other alone?"

"I don't know L/N," said James bitterly. "Snape was the one who started it this time. Even you saw what happened. Funny really, though. You never seem to stick up for me, but you stick up for Snape plenty of times."

"Well, that's because—" Y/N stopped and realized that James was right; she never did give him a single good word about it and spent the whole time on Snape's side—a Slytherin! How could she be so despicable?

"Yes?" he said icily.

"It's because—because I like you, all right?" she yelled. What am I doing, telling Potter that I like him? I must be out of my mind!

ITS A HATE LOVE THING | JAMES POTTER X READERWhere stories live. Discover now