Chapter Sixty-Two

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"I got fifteen O

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"I got fifteen O.W.L.s!" gushed Y/N, as she hugged Alice at King's Cross. "Can you believe it? FIFTEEN!"

"Y/N, calm down," laughed Alice. "It was obvious that you'd get the highest number of O.W.L.s. Be happy that you don't have to take the N.E.W.T.s this year." She made a face.

"And you made Head Girl! That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, but guess who's Head Boy?"


"Longbottom! As if he hasn't already caused me enough pain, the git."

"Are you still going out with Sturges?" asked Y/N nervously.

"Well, duh. I really like him. I mean, I know I'll never be able to love him like Frank, but he's all right."

"So will you say 'yes', if you asks you to marry him?"

Alice furrowed her brow and thought for a moment. "Maybe."

"Oy, n/n!" cried Arabella, waving her arms wildly at her friend. "Alice! C'mon, the train's leaving in five minutes!"

The three girls hurriedly went through the barrier between Platforms Nine and Ten, and hopped onto the scarlet train just in time. They found Jennifer and Violet already in a compartment, and joined them.

"Fifteen O.W.L.s, Y/N?" cried Jennifer excitedly. "Oh Merlin, that's fantastic! I got twelve."

"That's great. What about you, Vi?"

"Eleven. I didn't get an O.W.L. for Transfiguration, Divination, or Potions, though."

"We get to choose our classes this year," continued Y/N, her e/c eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm going to choose Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Potions. I am so glad that I can ditch Divination."

"I'm not taking Potions or Transfiguration," said Violet dismally. "But I got high grades in Care of Magical Creatures, and that's perfect for working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

"That's what Amos is going to do, too," said Arabella disgustedly.

Violet turned white. "Well—er—that doesn't mean I like him, you know," she responded quickly.

"Of course you don't. Who would?"

"You did," she pointed out.

Arabella scowled. "Yes, well, I did. I don't anymore, now, do I?"

"Of course not. You love Sirius. And now you can't say that you only like him; he said himself that he loved you."

A warm flush rose to her cheeks. "Yes, I love Sirius. Jen loves Remus. Y/N loves James. It's all good, right?"

Y/N choked on the sandwich that she had brought from home. "I love Potter? As if!"

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Not this again. Anyway, how many O.W.L.s did you get, Bella?"

ITS A HATE LOVE THING | JAMES POTTER X READERWhere stories live. Discover now