SNEAK PEEK! (Dear Diary)

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Introducing the sequel...

Dear Diary

Here's a sneak peek of the first chapter for you all!

Chapter: 1 Entry

Dear Diary,

The last time I've seen Jon was graduation day, which was about... three to four months ago. And the last time I've seen Logan was yesterday-through Skype. I miss both of them dearly. And though I would never admit it, I think I miss Jonathan more.

The last few days have been rough. Really really rough. I moved into England just two weeks ago and I haven't been eating and sleeping well since. I've already enrolled and researched everything I needed to know about school. And at the moment, I'm earning my money through busking and waitressing at a nearby restaurant.

I've had plenty of sleepless nights, and about 80% of the time I've thought about calling up Jonathan and breaking down and telling him everything through the phone.

But I'm an adult. An eighteen-year-old actually, but legally an adult.

And I have to act like one, as much as I don't want to. Months ago, I had promised myself to start acting sensibly and stop being the irrational teenage girl I once was.

And honestly, I'd like to keep that promise.

'Till next time,

Katherine Elizabeth Dawson.

I stopped writing and put my pen down. A part of me just wanted to fly back home and live with my family again and hug my pets and knock on Jonathan's door to tell him everything I've wanted to tell him and to go to Logan and fall asleep in his arms.

"Stop thinking like that," I muttered to myself. "You'll hurt yourself with this kind of wishful thinking."

And with a sigh, I got up, carried my guitar, and proceeded out the door.

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