Wow. You're too much.

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  • Dedicado a T. Tet and Ai :D

Dear Katherine,

     When I got home that day, I immediately went on facebook. You didn’t accept my request yet.

     So I just spent the next hour catching up on… everything.

     After a while, my eyes started to hurt so I—angrily—did my homework. I had just finished writing my answer to the last essay question when a notification popped up on my computer screen.

     Katherine Dawson accepted your friend request.

     I smiled a little, and then quickly went on your profile.

     You didn’t post much, but your wall was flooded. You had a few TBH’s, with people telling you that you were pretty, smart, kind, whatnot. But mostly, your aunt and mom posted on your wall.

     They would post family photos and other things. I scanned through your photos, and saw your brother and two sisters.

     They were very cute (just like you).

     I saw your mom and your aunt and your dad. Your mom was a plus-sized woman, and was probably forty or something. She had short, light brown hair and you had her mouth and eyes, I think were the first thoughts that had come to mind that time

     Your dad was thinner than your mom, and he had dark hair. You had his nose, face shape and hair color.

     Wow, I was really turning into a stalker.

     But at the time, I didn’t mind, because it was you.

     But the funny thing is, I just kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling until I found out more about you. I found out more about you just stalking your facebook than I did actually talking to you.

     I laughed and learned more impossibly amazing stuff about you.

     You ran and entered triathlons.


     You were a part of a lot of charities. You had a dog, and two cats. You were a singer. You were a musician. You were a poet. You were a photographer. You were all these things and I just had to stop and exhale slowly.

     “Wow.” All that time, I thought that you didn’t have a life. When in truth, you had more of a life than I did.

     After I finished scrolling through your profile, I made a checklist in my head.

     Things I just learned about Katherine:

     1. She had a dog and two cats.

     2. She was a singer and sang in real gigs.

     3. She was a triathlete.

     4. She played the piano, the guitar, and the violin.

     5. She won numerous poetry writing contests.

     6. She was the current spelling bee champ.

     7. She loved photography

     8. She was a bookworm

     9. She was in a lot of charities.

     And the most amazing one of all…

     10. She played BASKETBALL!

     You had blown my mind that night, you know.

     Suddenly, you had sent me a message. It was just you giving me your number. I had told you “okay, thanks” and sent you a smiley face.

     Then I had quickly sent you a text, saying “hi there. U r amazing :)”

     Because you truly are, Kath.

     Forever yours,


Dear KatherineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora