Convos. No biggie.

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Dear Katherine,

     We got partnered up one day at English. It was just two weeks before school ended. Fortunately, I was good at English. So I had hoped that I wouldn’t embarrass myself in front of you if I didn’t know what the lesson was even about.

     Anyway, I don’t think you minded me being your partner. I don’t think you even cared. But at least you had smiled when I said something funny.

     Your hair was in a ponytail, I think. And you wore jeans with a white blouse. You looked stunning, Kath. Bravo! I don’t know how you managed to look so beautiful every single day.

     And don’t think that I’m making this up, because I’m not.

     I remember how you looked like in high school, Kath.

     Your hair was dark; almost black. Your eyes were green. I didn’t know your exact height, but you were just a little past my shoulders. But forgive me, okay? I'm six feet tall!

     And even though you weren’t the prettiest, hottest, smartest or funniest girl in school, you were still the one for me.

I sometimes like to believe that maybe you still are.

     I remember one day you asked me “is Jackson your brother?”

     And I nodded. “Yeah, he’s a twerp,” I had said. You chuckled and went back to writing something on your notebook.

     “So what are the names of your siblings?” I had asked you.

     “My younger sister’s named Ella. She and your brother are classmates I think. And my youngest sister’s named Katie, while my younger brother’s named Eric.”

     “Oh so you’re the eldest?”

     You nodded, smiling a little bit proudly. “Yeah, it’s Katie, Eric, Ella, and me.”

     I smiled, nodding. You went back to listening to the teacher’s instructions as I thought about the fact that your sister and my brother were classmates.

     It’s funny now because I remember that Jackson’s birthday was coming up then. So later that day, I had told Jackson to invite Ella. And he had said “no! I don’t like her!” so we got into a fight wihich I eventually won. And so he gave Ella the invite the next day. And the day after that, you mentioned that Jackson gave the invite to Ella.

     And I was like “yeah, he’s inviting practically everyone he knows!” which was a lie. “But hey, you should come, too. Maybe, you know. Just for fun, you know. If you aren’t busy…”

     You had winced. “I sort of am… but I’ll try to come. We’ll see.”

      And Kath, that sentence had brightened up my day.

     I'm telling you.

     Forever yours,


Dear KatherineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt