More please. I crave for more.

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Dear Katherine,

       I can't believe that I actually felt jealous that day. What made it worse was the fact that that night, you had commented on my status. You commented ‘what happened? :(‘ and I had so badly wanted to tell you “Logan, You, and the Animal Shelter happened!” but I didn’t. I just told you “none of ur biz.”

       I had hoped that that burned.

       But it most probably did not.

       Two days later, I think we met up somewhere. I forgot where it was, to be honest. I’m sorry. You smiled at me shyly when you saw me and I waved at you. I had given you flowers and asked you how you’d been even though we hadn’t seen each other for only three days.

       Being with you really made me happy. The whole time we hung out, even though there were bitter thoughts in my head about Logan, I had kept on smiling. And you had, too. But I smiled a lot more.

Now that I think about it, I actually feel kind of embarrassed about it to be honest.

       I remember catching a whiff of your perfume that day, when I was standing behind you and your hair was swishing. It smelled like… lavender. And I had loved it.

I still do, actually.

       When we had walked on the sidewalk, I had the sudden urge to put my arm around you. And miraculously, I had the guts to actually do it. I slowly put my arm around you. But after a few seconds, you laughed and using your hand, grabbed a hold of my hand and swung it around you so that my arm was no longer around you.

       But just as I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces—I’m absolutely joking (wait actually not really)—you interlaced your fingers with mine and looked up at me with a smile.

       Thud thud thud thud my heart went that day.

       Your touch sent me an adrenaline rush. So did your smile and your... everything. And when I got home that night, I felt incomplete. It was as if the closer you got to me, the more of my heart you stole. And when you were gone, the only thing I could feel was the emptiness within me due to the parts of me that you had taken with you.

       Forever yours,


Dear KatherineWhere stories live. Discover now