Him again? Why?

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Dear Katherine,

       School had started, and I was still depressed. Seriously, all I did was sleep, bathe, or watch T.V. I hardly even eat anymore.

       I hadn’t seen you since that day on the beach. Even on the first day of school, I hadn’t seen you. Apparently, we had no classes together.


       I saw you again only after a week of school—and you were with Logan. You two were eating together in the cafeteria, hardly noticing me… or in other words, hardly noticing my pain. Sometimes, when I was at home, I would get flashbacks of the two of us and it would leave me feeling so empty and numb that there wouldn't even be any pain anymore.

       Weeks had passed, and I would only see you around at school if you were with Logan. I hadn’t known where your locker was, and I hadn’t cared since I knew that it was Logan who would wait for you there and walk you to class, and not me.

       I was supposed to be jealous. I was supposed to be angry. Why wasn’t I? I was just miserable and hopeless.

       You had cut your hair short to a little bit past your shoulders and you hardly wore flowery shirts anymore. You had just worn denim and cotton and that was it. No designs, whatsoever.

       After two months had passed, news spread that you and Logan were dating.

       Seriously? Logan? Seriously, Kath?

       And that was when all the jealousy, anger and bitterness hit me like a wrecking ball. I had pulled at my hair, I had punched the walls, kicked the floors, screamed… I was a mess.

       Why? Why would you do that to me, Kath? What did I ever do to deserve that sort of treatment from you?

       But the worst part was that even though you broke my heart and practically destroyed me… I couldn’t ever make myself hate you. Ever.

       Forever yours,


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