Where did you come from?

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Dear Katherine,

     Let me ask you this: where the fudge did you come from?

     I'm sorry, I didn't mean that literally.

     I mean, I hadn't even noticed you. Don't take this the wrong way, but I really hadn't. We met when we were young, okay? You were just some girl; average looking, with dark hair and average-toned skin and a normal body. You were just a girl that everyone called Katrina. So I had thought that was your name. But it turned out that nobody knew your name, because your name was actually Katherine—not Katrina.

     But it's a little funny though, how you never spoke up and said "my name's Katherine Dawson, not Katrina." Were you really okay with people thinking you were some person you weren't? That you were Katrina, not Katherine?

     But back to the point—I didn't give two shits about your existence, to put it frankly. But then three to four years later, I noticed you.

     Why, universe, why?!

     And I had fallen completely and irrevocably in love with you.

     Okay, maybe not right the moment I noticed you, but still, I had fallen in love with you.

     SO DEAL WITH IT, GUURRL! No, I'm just kidding around. I'm serious now.

     I had noticed that your hair got longer, and you got older. And how you got prettier, but I had pushed that thought aside. I still remembered you as that quiet girl who nobody knew anything about because she didn't have any friends for some reason.

     And I had spent a lot of time wondering why you didn't have any friends. I mean, you weren't a lame loser (as far as I knew, at least). You were decent looking. You were all-in-all I guess a decent human being!

     But you barely talked to anybody.

     I mean, sure, if something funny happened, you smiled. If someone told a joke, you chuckled. But when it came to actual conversations, you were a stranger to it, in my eyes.

     I think a month had passed, and I just noticed the same things about you.

     But then I had started to notice how you wore your hair, and who picked you up after school, and how sometimes you rode a scooter home, like a little kid. But you had always looked so happy, so practically nobody made fun of you for it.

     I had noticed things about you, Katherine. I noticed you way more than a person normally should've noticed another person. And I just wanted to get to know you because you seemed interesting. And that was the start.

     "It's the start of something new! It feels so right to be blah blah bloohhh!"

     Okay, forget the high school musical crap.

     Forever yours,


Dear KatherineWhere stories live. Discover now