You creepy little spider

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Dear Katherine,

     I think I'd talked to you once. I forgot what it was about. All I remember is that at some moment, in the hallways at school, I had decided to come over and talk to you.

     "Hi, I'm Jonathan Kross," was what I'd said. You looked at me with shock, your eyebrows shooting up. Your long brown hair was down, and you tucked a part of it behind your ear as you gave me a nod.

     "I'm Katherine—"

     "I know." I shouldn't have said that. Stupid Jonathan.

     You chuckled. "Okay, hi."

     "Hi, so, um, nice bracelet." Facepalm.

     You were about to shut you locker with your right hand and I saw the bracelet so I remarked about it in a desperate attempt to start up a decent conversation with you.


     "Did you make it?"

     "Uh, yeah. My best friend taught me how to make it."

     "So it's sort of a friendship bracelet?"

     You made a face like "eh, you could say that" and it was cute as hell. "Yeah, something like that."

     The bracelet was blue and purple. "So are those your favorite colors?" I had asked, pointing to your bracelet.

     "Yeah." You smiled a close-mouthed smile. Why couldn't you just smile properly? Damn it!

     I stood there awkwardly, nodding. And you must've noticed how awkward I felt, because you asked me "what's yours?"

     "Blue. Like, electric blue."

     And you smiled again, another tight-lipped smile. "Nice."

     The bell rang. "Okay, bye," you told me.

     "See you later, alligator," I said lamely. And for some reason, you smiled at that. And I mean a real smile.

     It lit up your face as you looked back at me and I was left there standing in the hallway, in a daze.

     That night, I had laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying our conversation in my head.

     And then I made a list of things to do before the week ended. They were:

     1. Pass my math test.

     2. Talk to you again.

     3. Make you smile.

     And that was when I realized that you had occupied half of my mind lately. You slowly crept into my life and polluted my mind with your perfect, lovely, toxic poison.

     Okay, that was a weird metaphor but you know that I've never been good with words.

     Forever yours,


Dear KatherineWhere stories live. Discover now