Brice Tuesday

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Right now I'm sitting on the edge of the school roof, with my eyes closed, listening to the playlist on my phone and people being people.

Jake yells, "Well, at least I'm not an ass!"

Gwen shoots back, "Well, at least I don't cheat on my girlfriend!"

"Oh, puh-lease. It was accidental and I was drunk."

"Well, don't get drunk next time you have a girlfriend! We're over, Jake."

"Gwendolyn, wait!"

I hear the front doors close. It's just high school. Very dramatic high school.

I breathe in the fresh air and awkwardly smile. Don't ask why, okay. I'm in a weird mood. Then I hear shuffling and the door behind me close. My eyes are open now, and I'm facing a beautiful girl that's in my class.

I sigh and say, "God, I thought I was in trouble."

She smiles and sits beside me. "Nope, just me. I saw you from the ground."

"Crap, crap. Did anybody see you come up here? Shit. Someone could've seen you come up here. Like the aliens. What if they would come up here and capture us? How would you explain that to your mom? Yeah, I was gone for three weeks 'cause I got kidnapped by some random alien dudes. It's all good. Don't worry 'bout me. I don't think they poisoned me."

"Brice, you're so weird." She puts her hand in mine.

I look down at her and smile. She smiles back.

"Anyways, you've gotta go. Bye." Ì motion to the door.


"'Cause a teacher just saw me. Go."

"Welp, I'm staying if you are."

"Nope. Bye."


I stand up. "'Kay, byeee." She's not leaving and I already get in enough trouble. So, I stand, brush off my pants, and leave without her. I shut the door behind me and sprint.


Let me know if you like it so far, and I'm open to suggestions.

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