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I Want To Write You A Song • One Direction

"I want to write you a song
One that's beautiful as you are sweet
With just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song"

One month later

"I'm in my jet now, I should be in Los Altos in a couple of hours. I miss you, Angel." Tonight was Amora's twenty-third birthday, and she was having a party at her house, it had been a couple of weeks since Amora and Mel were together.

Amora was smiling at Mel through her laptop, even though he visited her two weeks ago, she missed him so much. After leaving him in Santa Fe, her heart felt like it was torn out, she felt lost. She also had to get used to a life without her handsome boyfriend being around to cater to her every need.

Amora's smile couldn't leave her face, she was excited about her birthday, and she could formally introduce Mel to her parents as her boyfriend.

"I miss you more, Mel. I wish you were here right now, I can't wait to introduce you to my family as my boyfriend!" Mel was proud of Amora, she was so reluctant to introduce him leading up to her party, but she decided to just do it.

"If you change your mind about telling them, I won't be upset with you, angel. I want you to be sure that you want to do this, don't feel pressured." Mel knew that Amora was feeling unsure because of the negative attention they get when they're out together.

"Mel, I want to do this. I can't continue to live in fear of being judged, I love you and I want everyone to know." Amora was scared, she didn't want Mel to be shamed because he loves her, she was also afraid that he'd magically start caring for people, and find a woman closer to his age.

"I know you're not being completely honest with me, Amora. We'll talk about this in person. Don't think about tonight, just think about seeing me again." Mel planned on talking to Amora in-depth about her hesitations, he didn't mind them at all, but he knew that she was so used to them being together freely at his ranch.

Amora took a deep breath and gave a timid smile. "I'll try." She replied weakly and gave a thumbs up.

Mel shook his head at his beautiful lover. "Good girl, I'll see you in a couple of hours at the vineyard. I love you." Mel was worried for Amora, she wasn't the best at taking control of her emotions, so when problems like that occurred, Amora ended up being completely frazzled. Thankfully, he knew how to handle her.

"I love you too." Amora was ready to be back in Mel's arms, she loved him so much, and he always knew what to say when she was worried.

The FaceTime call disconnected, and Amora was left waiting for Mel to land in Los Altos. Her thoughts were running wild, so she decided to visit the spa.

Thirty minutes later, Amora was lying out relaxing on a massage chair. "Your body is very tense, Amora. Too much stress causes your body to grow weary." The massage therapist, Elise, told Amora.

"I'm just worried, tonight is my party, you're coming right?" Elise nodded. "Great, but I guess you'll be the first to know. My boyfriend, Mel is coming to my party tonight, and well, he's not the kind of man my parents would expect me to be with." Amora decided that it would make her feel better to tell Elise.

Elise stopped massaging for a moment to look at Amora. "Well, what kind of man is Mel? Is he a mafia boss?"

Amora laughed a bit. "No! He's a bit older than me, that's all." Elise raised a brow.

"I don't think your parents would mind, what is he, thirty?" Amora let out a nervous giggle.

"Nope, um do you know who Melchizedek Bailey is?" Elise was puzzled, what did he have to do with this.

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